Tuesday 16 September 2008

Wake up

Something big is up, take a look around the planet right now. If you weren't snoozing under a rock you couldn't have failed to notice the world stock markets plummeting and the end of Lehman Brothers yesterday. Whilst I am sorry for those personally caught up in this recession, isn't it time to sit up and take notice of what the universe is trying to tell us? The world and everything that goes on around us, is just a reflection of what we need to address within ourselves. Floods, hurricanes, famine, war, terrorism the list is endless. Are you at war with yourself? Are you starving yourself of something - happiness or belief in yourself perhaps? Are you drowning in misery?

Illness and depression is on the increase and so many are still obsessed with materialistic wealth. Knife crime, drink and drug abuse seem to be the general topic of conversation and the media's obsession with fame and celebrity status is quite frankly bonkers and boring.

We need to get a grip, my newspaper's headline Meltdown Monday says it all. We are going to go into meltdown on a universal scale, we must grasp hold of the realisation of what really matters in our lives. There are some who have begun to see the light, but its not enough. Enlightment on a personal scale is just the first step, but to raise consiousness and change everything around us we have to connect with each other. Happiness doesn't lie in fame, wealth, money or a quick fix. Happiness lies within, and once you find it, it can change your life and those around you. If you are surrounded by others who don't get that then share it with them.

The universe is on a mission to show us all that we have got to stop and if we don't then we will be made to stop. It's already started, and unless we get it, who knows what our children and our grandchildren's future holds. If we understand that the only way is through peace and love and being kind to ourselves and others and turning our backs on the need for more and more stuff then we have a chance.

It's up to all of us now to wake up and listen to our heart, our soul and remember why we are all here. Nothing is going to change unless we begin with ourselves.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Cyber Friendship

Yesterday, I received an e mail from a friend. It was entitled "If I get this back OK. if not I know why!" On opening it up I am met with an image of a girl on a bike and a script that read

Sometimes in life,
You find a special friend;

Someone who changes your life
Just by being part of it.

Someone who makes you laugh
Until you can't stop;

Someone who makes you believe
That there really is good in the world.

Someone who convinces you
That there really is an unlocked door
Just waiting for you to open it.

This is Forever Friendship.

This is the sacred RED

Of course it then went on to say that if I passed this on to a certain number of people, then a wish would be granted but if I didn't return it to my friend she would be insulted!

Whilst I am absolutely sure my friend's intentions were good, as I know her well enough. How many of us receive these mails, then send them out so that they might, just might, get THEIR wish and have they considered the thought of the person receiving them really? Is it really fair to put someone else in that position? Let's face it, this is just a scare mongering marketing ploy and if you are really unlucky you might get a computer virus thrown in for good measure!

Surely, the way to let friends know that you care is to just go and tell them? Perhaps, buy them a real bunch of flowers or write them a heart felt letter, or better still go and tell them! Doing a good deed for someone else is not about expecting something in return, that is what we call unconditional love.

So thank you to the person who sent me the e mail and thank you for being a friend, but I would prefer to cook you supper again soon, or do something for you that makes your life a little easier in your day. Please ask me any time you know where I am, you only have to ask. x

Tuesday 9 September 2008

I can't imagine why I take a break from writing, by writing but there it is. I have been churning out almost 3,000 words a day and it's heavy stuff. Last weekend, I went to a great party in Norfolk, I had such a fantastic time, I bumped into an old friend and met some interesting new ones.

One particular guest seemed strangely relieved to see me and although I can not go into why, I spent a long time talking to him and his lovely wife. Turns out he had cosmically ordered me and my help which was amazing. However, at the end of the evening when he came to say goodbye he asked me a question that so many people recently have asked me, "you look after everyone else but who looks after Lizzie?" Boy did he hit a nerve,the Universe is obviously trying to tell me something. Lizzie looks after Lizzie right now.

Yesterday, my dear friend Sandra who is fighting a terrible disease came to see me. She looked amazing and long may it last. But her intuition is now so finely tuned and she gave me a message that absolutely no one could have known about, because it was to do with my thoughts and something that has been on my mind for a while. The shock of what she told me reduced me into a wreck in seconds.But the message was understood and I needed to hear it.

Today though, I find myself feeling some peace and calm. I still have a long way to go but feel as if I am on the right path at the moment. I have a new TV idea which was met with some positivity today and my book is really taking shape.

Where as before I felt the door had just been opened I feel as if I have taken the first step into the room. Now I have to close the door, shut and lock away those I have allowed to hurt me over the years and embrace something better and happier into my life. Then perhaps one day someone will look after Lizzie.

PS Thank you Lara for your comments on the last blog and thank you for being there babe x

Friday 5 September 2008

Destination happiness

Last night whilst teaching, the subject of rescuing others came up. Women in particular are very good at this. The strange thing is most of us don't know why we do it. Perhaps it's our conditioning, or the need to feel wanted? I have been just as guilty of this trait. Don't get me wrong, I love my work and I when it comes to my clients nothing gives me greater pleasure than to see someone let go of their pain and move forward with their life with my help. It's a vocation for me. However, whilst writing my book, past relationships both in love and friendship have thrown up some painful feelings.

It feels as if you are travelling on a train, destination Happiness Central along the life journey line. The train begins to roll into the station and there standing on the platform is some poor soul surrounded with baggage. You notice that they are struggling big time with their bags, so you disembark and offer to help. Heaving the baggage back on to your carriage, you help load up the cases, squeezing them onto the shelf next to yours. The train starts to roll out of the station and your new travelling companion begins to pull down a bag and shows you the contents. It's badly packed so together you begin to take out the contents and sift through. What you don't notice is the emotionally toxic label on the front of the bag.

As you continue with your journey, you begin to feel tired, the travelling is exhausting and the toxins are beginning to effect your whole being. But you keep on going through their stuff helping them throw away the things that they don't need out of the window, so that when they reach their next destination their load is lighter. Some of the stuff doesn't make it to the window though and is strewn all over the floor of your carriage. Your fellow passenger isn't sure where they are going but you will accompany them for days, weeks, months or even years, just to make sure they arrive safely. You notice that they are now looking forward to their next stop and despite your exhaustion you sense a feeling of contentment that you have done a good turn for another fellow human being.

At last, the train come to a grinding halt or in some cases a massive jolt and the passenger gets off, leaving some rather sad and battered empty cases behind which take up your space. You are surrounded with their debris and you feel uncomfortable throwing more stuff out of the window and just don't know what to do with all the mess. They continue with their own journey, but there is no postcard or phone call to see how you are doing. Yet, they are armed with phone numbers of places and people to visit that you have suggested, a job you heard about, a book you recommended to read, a map you have drawn them, or just a knowing that if they wait on that platform another train will be along in a minute and someone else will lighten more of their load. And there on the station, just as you try to relax back into your seat, stands another passenger surrounded with bags and something inside you says, I can't say no to helping.

One day soon, we have to promise ourselves not to get off at every stop, so perhaps we will look the other way and see someone standing there waiting with just a small bag or a brief case, and we get off for a while, you let them take your baggage and put it in their car and they take you out and treat you. Or perhaps you choose to put your head down and let the train take you to your destination - happiness.

If you are that person who travels on the train get off at the right station. If you are struggling with your bags remember to be kind to the person who helped you, they did it because they cared. One day, the next train might be empty or of course the driver may be on strike and it could be a long time before the next train comes along.

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Right here, right now

It's the last day of the school holidays, I have tackled two school uniform lists and replenished geometry sets. I even dared to imagine a day working without the background noise of kids TV watched seemingly by a deeply uninterested cat, or my daughter who has just learnt to whistle, or the boys incessant requests. Did you know that an average 8 year old asks 800 questions a day? My children are living proof, I feel like David Dimbleby on a loop from dawn till dusk. But you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way. I realised about four weeks into the summer break that there was no point fighting for my rights as an adult and surrendered to chaos, poverty, and anadin extra.

My eldest is 19, and it seems like yesterday that he was covered in chocolate in a high chair. Everyday with our children is so precious, I love to watch them grow and learn and can't imagine not waking up with them around into my old age. One day, I am going to miss tripping over a mountain of Barbies, or switching off the bathroom tap and putting the lid on the toothpaste for the millionth time. One day, I am going to miss my teenage son's room looking like Beirut. One day, I am going to miss getting up at six and pouring caffeine down my neck to enable me function just enough to get my son on the school bus.

We must live in the now, we cant worry about tomorrow, and the past is exactly that, the past. When we appreciate what we have around us, then suddenly we find we are standing in the moment and life slows down. I feel huge excitement for my future but don't wish it away. I trust that whatever happens it is meant to be and will all make sense in the end. If you let go of trying then the universe starts to do its job.

Only yesterday, I had the most amazing day, the synchronicity was incredible and when we are on the right path life just becomes easier. So, do what feels right in your heart, and enjoy just being alive, then the wheels start to turn naturally in the right direction.

Would love to right more but apparently my daughter has nothing to wear and apparently it's all my fault, thank the Lord for school for school uniform!