Wednesday 23 July 2008

Back for a while

It's 6.45am and I am in a bar in Malta with my first cup of coffee of the day. It has been too long since I wrote my blog, but not so long since I have written. Three weeks ago I finally recieved a book deal and I am so excited to be writing my first paperback! The excitement had to be short lived as I have to write 70,000 words by the first of October!However, I am loving every minute of it and although I don't want to say too much about the content it is great to write about my beliefs and experiences.

I am looking for stories that are inspirational and spiritual, so if you care to share please contact me. Writing and using my own life experiences is very cathartic and I hope will help others to see things in a different light.

It wonderful how this year has been so different, still some highs and lows but the self protection is stronger,the head a little wiser and the soul feeling a little more nurished.