I am Soul Therapist and now a qualified Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. I have worked in helping clients change their lives and heal from a spectrum of problems and issues from relationships, career and physical conditions. My blog is a reflection of my own journey as a mother and as an individual still learning and searching. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for reading.
Monday, 31 December 2007
New Year, New Us.
Apparently, 2007 was a bad year because the 2 and 7 make 9 and that's all to do with endings, where as now in 2008 we are back to a 1 which is new beginnings. Thank God!
Right up until the midnight chimes, for me, things have been turbulent this year. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to only take with me, from last year, my wiser- self. I finally mentally excluded one person today, promising myself and my friends that this person's name would never ever be uttered again. When we waste energy on people who don't deserve it, we are loosing our power to make both people we love and ourselves happy. It's so tough to let go when we have been wronged, but karma can only begin to take place when we do. So, to that person - R.I.P.
Welcome 2008! Am I glad to see you, I know this is going to be a good one for me, my family and all those who deserve it. This is the beginning of the journey now for those who want enlightenment. And for those who don't - good luck!
Need to go to sleep now - got a busy year ahead!
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
More ghostly experiences.........
I have such a good feeling about 2008, for me, it feels like the countdown to 2012. The next four years will be so fascinating to watch unfold. I feel, that the last few years have all been about learning and questions. The eternal "why am here?", "what is my purpose here?", "why do these things, good or bad, happen to me?"
Now, it's like being on Spiritual Facebook! Everyday, I either connect, or reconnect with like-minded people, and those who in the past were responsible, and those who could possibly send me hurtling down the pain path seem to be becoming less and significant in my mind. Actually, come to think of it, I am totally responsible for allowing them to send me off into emotional destruction, it's just that my wall between them and me seems thicker, tougher.
Last Thursday night, I gave a talk at the Scole Inn at Diss. Sixty turned up and there was even a waiting list! I won't pretend I was nervous, but before the bit where I addressed lots of unfamiliar faces, I made a point of welcoming and shaking as many people's hands a possible. It helped me to get to know them a bit better, a smile breaks down a thousand barriers.
I started my speech, and before I knew it I had spoken for over an hour! We stopped for supper, then it was down to business! I sent my guests on ghost hunt around the hotel and we ended up in a large function room. I decided to try to get something moving so we laid our hands gently on a large table. As our palms rested the table started to creak, and then we felt a vibration, as if a train was underneath it! Sadly, because there were so many people coming and going in the room, we kept losing our energy. However, one girl took a number of photo's and orbs* appeared in each shot. The most amazing picture quite clearly showed a face on the table, a man with a beard and long face.
Back in front of the bar's roaring fire at 2am, those left, brought pictures of more light anomalies in various rooms. Some people were very scared and others amazed, including an amazing young man aged 16, was very psychic. He was so inspiring and he knew that, whether he liked it or not, he had found his vocation. I suggested, that it was wonderful that he had the opportunity to tap into his fellow teenagers. He could show them that there was more to life than drugs and alcohol. I hope to do some work with him in the New Year.
The following night, exhausted, I fell asleep at 5.30pm and during the night I had the most extraordinary dream. In fact, I am not sure if it was a dream, I felt as if I left my body and floated around the house, I was surrounded by spirits and at one point I saw a child running through the house making lots of noise. I know I shut the doors before I slept yet in the morning they were wide open and there was no other explanation.
* Orbs are a generally form in circles of lights on a photograph though it is also possible to see them on film and some see them with naked eye. They are said to be the first manifestation of a spirit.
Monday, 10 December 2007
In with the Faith and out with Fear!
When you pour your energy into the right things in life, being psychic can you bring you so much happiness. But it is an energy and if we place into the wrong things it can be so destructive both to yourself and to others.
I read for a client recently, who felt bullied by everyone around her, and it was taking over her life. We all have an amazing energy, and if we pour it into negativity its like filling a car with petrol, with a hole in the tank. I have been guilty of the same thing, I have spent hours wondering why certain individuals can use me for friendship and help, only to walk away, and be very nasty once they have no more use for me.
The bottom line is, it doesn't matter. Bullies and are weak and want our energy, don't waste it. It will give them a sense of power and you will feel weaker and weaker.
When you focus your energy to yourself, your life, and those you love, you are back on the right path. Meditation is so helpful for this, either by detaching from bad energy or by bringing positive energy into yourself again.
Find a quiet place and give yourself permission to relax, allow any outside noises to relax you even further, and any thoughts that pop into your head tell them you will deal with them later. Imagine yourself surrounded in white light and breathe positive energy in and exhale the negative. You may see different colours, so if you want to breathe those in too, that's fine. Just try to relax even if it's just for 5 minutes.
If you do this everyday for just a week you will start to notice a sense of calm and inner strength. Start preparing yourself for 2008, Christmas can be so stressful, treat yourself to 5 minutes a day meditation.
You are an amazing and wonderful being, and you deserve to happy.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
Your inner strength.
They resembled rabbits in head lights when they first arrived, and clearly had no idea what to expect. Yet, within the space of two weeks they've already made such huge changes. Last week, I taught them how to do a simple meditation and connect with their higher selves. A week later, and the one thing that seems to have changed more dramatically than any other, is their inner strength. Er, not sure I'm popular with a few husbands now though!
By giving people a route to their inner strength, the impossible can become possible. There are too many people out there who doubt themselves. If believing in the afterlife is not your thing - that's your choice, although having a faith of any kind is healing, but, believing in your-self is essential.
We allow others to take away our ability to survive, and be truly happy. We choose to let people destroy us, or make us miserable. Too often, I see clients who feel helpless because they feel trapped by bullying partners, family and work associates. We all know that a bully is someone who is insecure and will comfort themselves in taking it out on others.
The Law of Reflection, is there to remind us, that what ever someone says about you or to you, is a reminder of what they actually think of themselves. It's so easy to attack someone who is close to us or means something to us, calling someone a liar or useless, calling someone manipulative or evil. Ask yourself, what is manipulative or bad about them? What are they lying about, or are they just lying to themselves?
We all know people in denial or on some kind of self destruction route. Personally, I seem to be surrounded by one extreme or the other, incredibly kind and helpful people or the emotional vampires.
If you can change one person's life for the better, that's amazing - the feeling is better than anything. Too many good people are going through a tough time, but nothing stays the same for ever.
The Hermetics believed that life was like a pendulum, we stay in exactly the same spot and what might seem awful can swing to wonderful, and of course the opposite. It's up to our choices and our beliefs. Just by changing the way you look at a situation to another perspective, can change your feelings. If for example, you feel someone has hurt you, ask yourself was that their intention?
PS Thank you for comments and questions you have e mailed re this blog. If any one has anything they would like to ask, please go ahead.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Seeing the dead for the first time
My wonderful Welsh Grand-Parents (maternal) were psychic, my Grand-Father was a Phrenologist - he read the bumps on people's heads - and my Grand-Mother was a Medium. When they arrived from the valleys, I was so excited. Violet made my childhood magical, her battered white suitcase contained two fairies from the forest - but they were very shy and I was not allowed to peek. As a child you can imagine the overwhelming urge, but I never did.
When her original ivory Ouija board came out, I watched with amazement as my mother and her friends had their questions answered by a spirit through the planchette. On reflection, I can't imagine allowing my children to witness something like this, let alone be present in the house, but that was then.
Sadly, Violet died on Mother's Day when I was 21, but before she left she told me that I would inherit her gift.
Fast forward to the year 2000, living in London, and looking and feeling something that resembled a beached whale, aka six months pregnant. It was the weekly girls get together with some close friends, Sarah had been to see a clairvoyant and was relaying her fore-told fortune. "My grand mother was a psychic” I piped up. “God, you kept that quiet, come on then, try it out on us”? I found myself saying “why not”?
I knew nothing about palms, but as I looked down at each one, pictures started to form in my head. I described what I was seeing, and was met with gasps of disbelief and comments like “I have never told you that before” and “how do you know that”?
I wasn’t sure if I liked this, I had previously miscarried, what if I “saw” something terrible happening to my unborn baby? I played devils advocate and kept telling myself it was a fluke, but unlike the fairies my curiosity had developed over the years. The following night, back in my kitchen, my Argentine au pair and all her friends were chatting.
Explaining what had happened the night before, I experimented on them this time. It was slightly more complicated as Florence was the only one who spoke fluent English, so she translated for me. I am still mastering the English language, so forget Spanish, but for some inexplicable reason I felt compelled to say words with no clue of their meaning. They did understand though, and there was that chorus of gasps again!
Something was definitely up, a week later Emma knocked on my door, waving a piece of paper under my nose. The headline read “Do You Think You Are Psychic”?, below there were a list of questions. Do you think about someone and then they suddenly phone out of the blue? Do you have a premonition about someone or something, and then it happens? Do you instantly know when to trust or not trust someone, and your instinct turns out to be right? “Come to our ten week psychic development course and discover your psychic potential. Coincidence? I now know there is such thing.
Heidi Sawyer was nothing like I expected a psychic teacher to be. There was no a stitch of crushed velvet, and no hooped earrings. I had been promised that despite my fears of getting involved in the Spirit World, all would be fine for me and my unborn child and in fact the baby would love the meditation. And she did, for two hours every Thursday night she seemed totally relaxed and my constant nausea disappeared during the classes.
Right from the start I was able to see auras, which for those of you who don’t know, are our energy field around us, suddenly I felt I was in a constant commercial for Ready Break as I started to look at everyone in a new light - literally!
By week four I had an incredible moment, and I knew at that point, my life was about to change for ever. Upon opening my eyes, after a meditation, I noticed that there were more people, than when we started! Between two of my fellow students, sat the most beautiful black woman, dressed in a rainbow of colours. Her long tunic glowed in oranges, reds and yellows and she wore a large turban on her head to match. This amazing vision projected an incredible smile, I felt nothing but love. To the left, stood an enormous white apparition with less clarity but I believe it was an angel as there was a sense of safety and wisdom surrounding me.
Finally, I had proof that there was life after death.
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
A Mars a day.....can send you mad.
I don't think there has been one month this year, when the big bad emotional truck hasn't hurtled towards me sending me flying into yet another storm. "Lucky you!" declares Cosmo - our local chrystal shop owner and full time guru. Stunned, I stare at him and ask the obvious "er...... because?". "Because, the universe has given you the opportunity to learn so much and when you come out the otherside you will be better for it!"
OK, so he has point, but non-stop, all year round!? I left his beautiful and deeply energising shop, and thought about what he had said all the way home. What had I learnt, and what am I going to do about it? Once I decided there was no point hiding under the bed, (which is what I do when my 6 year old daughter can't decide what to wear), I realised you can offer help and some people will take it, some people will even take and then spit it right back at you, but it's their stuff and I have to focus on doing what's right for me. The only way to really help people is by example, it was time to get back to what I believed in and not allow emotional vampires to drain me any more.
So, recently I have started to pour my energy again into what I believe in - love, happiness, sucess, and magic. Whilst I have been hurt very badly by some people who meant so much to me, out of the ashes has risen some incredible friends, people who have showed me the most amazing love and understanding and I appreciate them more than I can say.
Yesterday, I started to see a difference in my life, a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Patience does pay off, there is a reason for everything that happens in life. It's time to focus on the good people in our lives and cherish them, the bad don't really exist, they are just there to remind us of who we shouldn't be.
I am now in pursuit of real happiness for myself and my family and friends. I am licking my wounds and moving on and trusting that it will be all wonderful in the end. So to all those who thought you could destroy me, I wish you well with your lives and if you keep on trucking, I won't be on that high way, I'm afraid. More importantly, thank you to those who have been there for me - and you know who you are.
And as for you Mars..................................!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
2012 The End of the World?
I chose The Reincarnation of Edgar Case by Wynn Free (fabulous name!) and David Wilcock, an inspiring read for those who are looking for answers on the purpose of life, the after-life and beyond. I am struggling to put it down at the moment, especially as I should be ploughing through the infamous mailing list (500 ish), yet it is so thought provoking and leaves me hungry to keep turning the pages.
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), was regarded as a psychic, philosopher and healer. People came to him in their hundreds to seek his help and guidance. Part of his legacy was complete transcripts of over 1600 readings he had given in the latter part of his life. His son Hugh Lynn Cayce, later founded the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) and the Edgar Cayce Foundation which assists thousands of people to explore and study those transcripts.
Cayce was regarded as "perhaps the greatest psychic that the United States ever produced". He predicted forthcoming events with great accuracy. Amongst those were the First and Second World War, the independence of India and the 1929 stock market crash. Fifteen years prior to the event, he prophesied the creation of the State of Israel. Yet one of his most disturbing fore sights was his concern for "vast geographical upheavals which by the year 1998 will result in the destruction of New York, the disappearance of most of Japan, and a cataclysmic change in Northern Europe".
So far, I understand he led a fairly normal life, he chain smoked, spent too much money and at times was impatient with others around him. As a fellow psychic, I can't tell you what a relief it was to read that bit! However, according to the book he is back amongst us, in the incarnation of David Wilcock. Before you sceptics out there start groaning check out:
There is definitely more than a similarity there between the two men,don't you think? Despite his reluctance to this claim, according to the author, Wilcock found it, in the end difficult to disprove and is backed by ARE members. He, like Cayce, has an extraordinary psychic talent.
Personally, I do believe that we reincarnate, and have experienced many past life regressions. We have far too many life lessons to learn, to cram into one life time, although, I think I am packing quite a few in, this life time! The purpose, in my opinion is to eventually understand nothing but unconditional love, and we then move on.
We will get there in the end, and according to the book, the end is sooner than you think, 2012 to be precise. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, 2012 is the end of The Mayan Calender and some say the end of the world. Even NASA is predicting the sun will reverse its own magnetic poles during 2012 as result of reaching the end of the current 11-year sunspot cycle. So, something is going on. Just google 2012 and once you have skipped the section on The Olympics you will find a host of theories and information.
Now, before you start walking up down Oxford Street with a sandwich board, let me explain. Most spiritual people believe that there is something extremely significant about this date, but in a positive way. The belief is that the world will end "as we know it". To expand on that, we are already seeing more and more people seeking a spiritual path of consciousness. A number of my clients, for example, would never have dreamt of seeking spiritual advice as little as ten years ago. Therefore, by 2012, this will spiritual quest within most of us will be complete.
With events, such as 9/11 and the fighting that prevails between religions, life becomes a total confusion. It begs the eternal question "why are we here?". I don't have all the answers but I am working on it every day, either through outside knowledge or through my own life experiences.
I feel sure of one thing though, good will overcome evil in the end and during the years running up to 2012 we will see enormous events taking place. Some, will appear positive and some negative but in the end there will be a reason for them all. In my own little world, both those around me and myself are experiencing huge challenges and life changes.
So watch this space in both your personal life and the world around you. Remember karma, the Law of Attraction and the Law of Reflection. Life is always your choice, and even those who may seem to have their eyes firmly shut, will have to open them soon enough. Meanwhile, I am going back to my book!
Monday, 12 November 2007
Helping find Madeleine McCann
As a psychic I have tried to "tune in" to her whereabouts but I choose not to "see" whether she is alive or, god forbid, dead. I believe, if asked, I would simply help locate her.
Last year, one Friday afternoon a client rang me deeply distressed, as her brother had left a suicide note and was now missing. After calming her down, we began working together to find him. I knew we were up against the clock, but if we were quick enough and stayed focussed we would locate him.
Over this distressing and exhausting weekend, I sat with my 'phone clamped to one ear, staring at a map guiding Debbie and her distraught sister across miles of countryside. This was a race against time, as I frantically tried to decipher psychic messages, symbols and words "given" to me. On at least three occasions, I would be drawn to a particular town and just as the girls arrived there, the police would confirm that Andy had withdrawn cash from the town's branch, we missed him by no more than an hour each time.
I had to think laterally, but it was so difficult with Debbie sobbing on the 'phone. I began to see a church, and a golf course over and over again, but it made no sense as we carried on looking. As Saturday night loomed, I made it very clear that under no circumstances were both girls to go to sleep at the same time, as I felt their brother may call. Late that night, Debbie rang and at first her screams were so hysterical I thought we were too late. When she had taken a few deep breaths, she explained that she had been so wracked with tiredness, she had fallen asleep for no more than half an hour. Of course, in that time he had left a message on her mobile saying his last good-byes. I will never forget hearing the chilling message Andy left for his family.
I felt I had failed, but despite this I was determined to continue with the search, praying that it wouldn't all be in vain. The girls were back on the road and this time I felt as if I was in the car with them. I "saw" a hotel by a stretch of water and fir trees. I felt they were very close to something, minutes later Debbie passed a hotel fitting my description, I told them to turn around and go inside and look for him.
As I stayed on the 'phone, I heard her walk into the hotel and ask reception if they recognised the photo' of her brother. The man behind the desk said "no" but I knew we were at the right place, so I insisted she find the manager. She did, and to my relief, I heard him say he did recognise Andy as a guest at the hotel. Debbie and her sister went radio silent for around twenty minutes as they went to search his room; it seemed like an eternity. Finally, they called back with bitter sweet news, his belongings were there, but no sign of Andy.
Moments later there was a call , Andy had been spotted running away from another relative's house just up the road in Stokenchurch. He was alive, but how long for? Both sisters wanted to rush over and find him; I felt this was the wrong thing to do and persuaded them to sit tight. It paid off; their distressed brother returned to the hotel room where the girls finally managed talk him out of harming himself.
Two long days of hell, I was exhausted so I can't imagine what the family were going through, but all worth it. By the way, the fir trees were on all the stationary at the hotel, as it was relevant to it's name. I believe that information I am picking up on has to be thought out laterally. The golf course was my local club Stoke (not that I play), and coupled with the church I was seeing.......... for me it suddenly made sense. That was a good lesson for me.
I desperately want to help find little Maddie, not for the money thanks, or the credit, but because it is deeply frustrating having information and being unable to use it. I have contacted all sorts of media and the police - and of course the family, but keep hitting a brick wall. I have heard that other psychics have been offering their services so it's understandable that I am not getting through.
Again, as a mother I would try anything, but then I am not in their position. However, if someone out there is willing to be my man on the ground and is good at lateral thinking, I am here waiting. I can say that already a number of things I have picked up on tie in with certain events. All these have been logged and dated and sent to a friend in Spain. Ironically, I even have friend, whose mother owns the apartment above the one where Maddie was taken. I feel so close, yet so far away.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
A Few Predictions.
So here goes, hopefully this will resonate with the you.
Lauren, your key is by the back door.
Christina, (Chrissy) your mother is sorry that she left you so suddenly but it was her time and your father needs you now more than ever, it's time to heal the rift.
Charlie M, your brother is very sick and will take a long time to get well, but he will get well, keep the faith.
Rowena J, you must be patient and don't give up the studying yet. I know you want to throw in the towel but it will all pay off in the end, I promise.
There is a food company (small around 150 employees) near Worcester. This company is in financial trouble but can be rescued. I feel it may be family run, please stop arguing and pull together it is your only hope.
The J who left Chester to head west yesterday or could have been the day before, you are in total denial and long term this will bring you nothing but karmic pain.
Luca, you will get the job, be patient.
Phew! OK let's see if this means anything to anyone and I will endeavour to put some messages at the end of each of my blogs. So watch this space.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
In Memory of Michael
I awoke with the song, Valerie, in my head and after dropping my youngest little angel at school I headed off to Diss to visit a new client. Yvonne was unable to make the journey to my house, so it couldn't have come at a better time, as my cabin fever was in full flow.
I have been trying to live much more in the now recently, so with Kiss FM on full blast, singing along to Amy Winehouse's new cover of .....yup - Valerie, I relished the beautiful Suffolk countryside in Autumn. The colours are just amazing, lit by glorious sunshine. Hooray, a beautiful day in the 'hood!
OK, so there's a but coming! Yvonne had requested that I conducted the reading out of her home, and suggested The Scole Inn, a stone's throw from her house. Two years ago I filmed at the Scole Inn for a programme called Seeing The Dead. A series that has never seen the light of day and is now cluttering the shelves at ITV.
During that time, I was going through the most incredible roller coaster of emotions, deeply unhappy, I was on the edge of cracking up and the only control I had was with my own body, bulimia was my only friend.
I look back at that time and shudder at my state of mind as I tackled work, being a mother, and feeling deeply unloved. Yet somehow, I went into automatic pilot and soldiered on living on hope, spirituality and coffee! So revisiting these haunts (pardon the pun) is tough and cathartic. In the past few months, I have discovered that the only way to erase a painful memory is to go back and relive it in a different way.
Yesterday, I nearly jumped ship and shared with a friend my fears revisiting the haunted location, he simply said you can't let Yvonne down, she needs you. He was right of course, and I knew I just had to be brave. Ignoring my sat nav screaming at me to turn left, I shot past the turning to Yvonne's house and there in front of me stood the imposing building. I stared at it for a minute and then took in a deep breathe and turned the car round and collected my client.
As soon as Yvonne came out of her house I knew it was all going to be alright. This lovely lady suffers from a condition that makes it difficult for her to walk and as I helped her into my car I felt her amazing aura.
So, as we entered the reception of the hotel, instantly I recognised Debbie the manageress who had been one of the "witnesses" on the series. Thank you for the warm welcome Debbie!
I had brought a DVD of the episode with me to show Debbie, and Yvonne and I watched it with her. I haven't watched it for such a long time, I hardly recognised myself which was a good thing! The Scole Inn was occupied by a beautiful spirit named Emma and her lover John. Emma was in love with a man who was not her husband, he later punished her by taking her life.
Debbie was whisked away for a meeting, so Yvonne and I began the reading. Immediately, I felt her terrible loneliness. I picked up on the death of male who was very close to her and there was no doubt in my mind that he was her true soul mate. They had always had each other and then he had left her very suddenly, a matter of weeks ago, leaving Yvonne desperately missing her beloved husband. Michael had many messages for his wife, all, I am pleased to say, made perfect sense to her including his urge to get her writing her first novel. After years in the navy Micheal's passion led him to writing and was a historian of military history, his final book will be coming out next year. He finished it weeks before his death and was thrilled.
As I listened to Yvonne share her precious memories with Michael she explained how she had 13 wonderful years with a man she knew from the moment she met him, was the "one". "How lucky you have been to have had that time with your true soul mate" I commented. Yvonne smiled and said "I know, I was very lucky" It was at that moment, I had a moment!
I suddenly realised that it has taken me two years of hurt and desperation to try to understand why certain events had taken place. Its simple, the universe needed me to realise and embrace feelings of loss and compared to Yvonne I had got off lightly. But, I still knew how her pain felt and this pain can be physical and emotional. It was all relative, I felt I was being relieved of a curse in some way.
I shared stories with my new friend and thanked her for asking me to come. Yvonne is a deeply spiritual person and I admire her greatly. It was privilege to meet her.
Debbie rejoined us and asked if I would like to come and do a talk at the hotel on December 13th. I found myself saying "I would love to!", and am very much looking forward to it. And if that wasn't enough another man approached me and said he had many hotel and pub clients who may be interested too!
Yvonne and I hugged each other goodbye and I smiled all the way home. Funnily enough, when I got back I had an e mail from someone related to that awful period of my life. I knew it was going to be more rubbish and sent it back before I had became tempted to read it.
Oh and by the way, guess what Yvonne's favourite sister is called -Valerie!
Thank you Yvonne for giving me permission to share this story with others and thank you for being you. Thank you Michael too, there is no doubt you planned the whole thing!
On another note.
Yesterday, a friend of mine was "outed" for writing a rather cheeky blog entitiled The Secret Diaries of a TV Controller! Whether he was responsible, or not, I dont know but he did nag me to write a blog and for that I am very grateful as it is immensly helpful, thanks Domxxxxx
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
I have understood that life is about intention, and when someone hurts us our first question we ask ourselves is "did they intend to do that". Often its no, but when it's a yes then we have to decide what we are going to do about the situation. We can choose to let people upset us or not, as with most things life is about choice.
Some of us forgive and forget and repair the damage when possible. Again, speaking from experience when one gets one's fingers burnt twice or more, it's perhaps time to accept the lesson and move on. Being a sucker for helping the bird with the broken wing aid I have to remind myself this is their life journey too. Of course, human nature is to take, and yet we forget that it's giving and saying thank you that helps the Law of Karma to flow. Sometime, if you are the giver it all seems so unfair that the taker seems as happy as Larry whilst we feel hurt and used.
However, and here comes the tricky bit for us humans. If we wish bad on someone else it comes back to us three fold, believe me! What's worse is the more spiritual we become, the quicker the karma comes back. But the upside of that is that if you wish happiness and love upon others, including your enemies, the same applies, and it may come from a place you weren't ever expecting.
No one understands more than me, how hard it is to forgive someone for their actions. The hurt, anger and disbelief we go through when we have been honest and kind to a friend or even worse someone we love unconditionally, who then throws back in our faces is unbearable at times.
The road to recovery is a long and painful one, sadly their are no over night quick fixes. And if you have chosen the "easy" option of going back for more of the same, each time you are back in recovery the anger towards oneself increases, as we ask "how could I have been so stupid?". Some well intended friends will tell you that its not your fault, but I am afraid it is. We chose to let our selves get hurt and if we are really honest and listened to our hearts, didn't we know that this was a road to self destruction?
But, there is hope for a recovery and we can heal. And here are a few tips.
Firstly, ask yourself how this person's hurtful behaviour has made me a better human being.
Secondly, give yourself permission to choose to let go of this person and remind yourself daily that you deserve better lovers/friends.
Thirdly, start to do detachment exercises by imagining the person in front of you. Remembering the spiritual lesson they have taught you and imagine cords attaching you together from your hearts. Then visualise a large sword, knife or scissors in your hand and cut the cords. And if you are tempted to do something else with these sharp implements - remember Karma!!! You can practice this meditation as much as you like.
Then start to put your life back together, easier said than done, I know, but we have to start to somewhere. I have talked about affirmations in a previous blog and this is such a good time to use them. Something on the lines of "I am healing from this situation and letting go of my pain" , or "I am surrounded by people who love and appreciate me", and "I forgive this person from their actions". You may not feel it straight away but the universe will give it to you when the time is right.
I believe that although it's necessary to forgive, you can also detach. You can choose to no longer let this person affect you. This is not a karmically bad thing and once you let go of your anger you will find that as if by magic the universe will decided how karma should take place. Whilst, you hold on to seeking justice you block the natural path of cause and effect. Remember, holding on to anger can also make you ill. Disease is dis-ease.
So start by putting on happy music or watching an uplifting film. Surround yourself with people who you know love and care for you.
These people are our biggest teachers.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
In this wonderful world of synchronicity, a good friend of mine gave me a copy of Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss. In a nut shell, Weiss is a hypnotherapist who tells the story of a patient, who whilst being regressed, slipped back so far she found herself as an Egyptian BC! Weiss gives an honest account of this extraordinary experience, and delves further. Throughout the book his patient recounts numerous past lives, none I might add, glamorous or regal. However, the author becomes curious as to her whereabouts between lives and incredibly , at that point, her voice would change, as if she was channelling messages from the other side. These messages were for me, the first pieces of my puzzle and my picture started emerging. With a thirst for more knowledge, I read his second book Only Love is Real. An enlightening story of a man and woman unknown to each other, discovering they had lived together in previous lives and finding love again in this one through Weiss.
I still have much to learn, I think that will take many more life times, yet I have a greater understanding of the bigger picture. I believe that we do reincarnate and each life is shared with other soul mates. Their purpose is to help each other to learn and grow. Therefore, not all will be "the one", some are far from it. Soul mates are those who have an impact on our lives, good or bad. Of course, that's not to say that amongst those are people we will fall in love with and share incredible happiness and understanding.
From what I have experienced as both a therapist conducting past life regressions and experiencing my own journeys back in time, I am left with no doubt that we all switch roles in each life. Your mother, for example could have been your daughter previously, and your worst enemy could have been the love of your life.
As agonising as it can be, when we are hurt by the actions of others we must recognise that on a soul level they were helping us to learn. I often find through sessions with my clients there seems to be specific lessons through their life that they must accomplish and if they don't recognise it the first time then a pattern emerges as various painful events reoccur. The situations may appear different, including the people involved, yet the message is the same, it may be rejection, self respect, unconditional love, and many more. Have you ever heard a friend say "I want to settle down in a relationship, but every time I fall in love it ends in the same scenario?" Perhaps, they are not getting the message? I have found that once you "get it" and let the universe know, it will not happen again, and the cycle stops. Certain meditations can help too, especially when a marriage has ended or a contract.
But don't despair! The "one" is out there and you can find them if you haven't already and of course I am always happy to help.
If you want to know more about Past Life Regression, Barbara Ford Hammond's book Past Life Tourism is a wonderful insight into the subject.
And if you have been hurt by someone ask yourself this. "How has this person's behaviour towards me helped me to become a better person?"
Friday, 12 October 2007

And it happened again today, but this time it was a ghost! Nothing odd about that, bearing in mind I am a medium. Actually, it is nearly seven years since I saw my first fully formed spirit. A moment so incredible, in one instant my fear of dying dissolved as finally I saw proof of life after death.
Halloween is approaching, my favourite time of the year - naturally. Forget the broomsticks and pumpkins. According to many ancient cultures this is a liminal time of year, when spirits make contact with the physical world. Or to put it another way the "veil" is thinner between us and the other side, so if you want to see something paranormal, now is a good time.
I have seen many visitors from the other side but recall two occasions when I have mistaken very solid looking spiritual beings for physical ones. The first was in our house in London. I went to retrieve my daughter's push chair from our dining room (well you didn't expect us to use it for eating did you?), as we were on our way to terrorise the neighbours trick or treating. Conscious of the army of green faced 4 year olds ready to scare the residents of Kirkstall Road, I raced in to the room to retrieve the buggy, when I saw a man casually leaning against a cupboard. Since he was dressed in what looked like 20th century clothes, I presumed he was a father to one of the weapons of mass distraction waiting by the front door. Making some throw away remark, I reversed the pram out and strapped Louisa in and then it dawned on me, " who was that?" Seconds later I walked back in and yes you've guessed it, nobody there!
A year later, we had moved to Suffolk and I am doing the country thing, you know, bringing logs in for the fire, obviously to impress our friends from London for the weekend. I could have sworn Mark was standing in our kitchen by the kettle as I lugged the heavy load through to the fireplace. "If you are making tea I would love one" I yelled as I hurried through. I suppose he could have beeen a member of the Star Ship Enterprise and had beamed himself to the sitting room or I had just been talking to dead people again. Because there was Mark and his wife on the sofa , and there by my feet were the logs as I darted back to the kitchen to see who I had spoken to. Once again, nothing, and they hadn't even made my tea!
Today, sitting in front of laptop laboriously filling in data, out of the corner of my eye I notice someone is watching me and then hiding, but thankfully no "evils". This house is 500 years old, and this is my first All Hallows Eve here. I am hoping my new friend will sit down and tell me all about it soon. He has already snapped a wire on the back of a picture and keeps moving about upstairs, so it's looking promising. Am I mad? Probably, but they are just people who are earth bound in my opinion, and they just want to make contact.
So, if you would like to see something out of this world, ask, stay calm and wait. Get your cameras out and take pictures, most aren't camera shy. Don't be frightened, isn't it wonderful to know that there is more to life than just our day to day lives?
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Perhaps, that's a little unfair, after all, women (me included) are continuously flummoxed as to the key the perfect relationship. Although, I think I know the answers, I sometimes don't listen to that little voice saying "NO"!
Spiritual Law says, that if we believe in the greater power available to us all, then we can have anything we want to make us happy. My clergy friend made one negative statement after another. "I can't find a woman who understands me", "I am lonely", "all women want me to commit"! By saying this, he is affirming it, and the universe will give him exactly what he states. If he changed his affirmations to the possitive "all women understand me", "I am surrounded with friends", "I have found the perfect woman" then he would start to manifest his true desires.
Recently, The Secret a best selling film and DVD has influenced millions to use The Law of Attraction. A guide to cosmic ordering anything you want, it demostrates how we can get that job, soulmate, car etc. But what about the Law of Karma, or in simple terms, being careful for what you wish for? Yes, you can manifest a Ferrari but there is no guarantee that it won't kill you once you are behind the wheel. Equally, you can bring a soulmate into your life, but not all soulmates make you happy. They are there to teach us lessons, and most lessons are learnt through our mistakes.
Perhaps in this materialist world that we live in, we should focus on what we really want - happiness. Leaving the boys upstairs to decide what it is that makes our souls happy. The Law of Attraction simply means that what ever we are, we attract into our lives. So if we want to have happiness we need to be happy people.
My affirmation for today? I am a happy and loving person!.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Since discovering there was more to life than just the usual day to day drudgery I have tried to keep my practice as far away as possible from the sitting under the triangle, knitting yogurt brigade for that very reason. "Gosh, you don't look like a psychic, you look like the mother who does the school run!" informed one of my clients on arrival. I didn't know psychics didn't do a typical school run, perhaps they travel on broomsticks or cast a spell, and with one puff of green smoke their little darlings are safely sitting at their desks ready for the first lesson! I must have missed that chapter in Mystic for Beginners. But then again, why would I want to do that? I would miss out on my daily dose of the play ground mafia. Brand spanking new Land Rover keys clutched tightly in their hand, intently listening to the latest gossip (it's parents in the big school who swing this week, by the way) whilst little Archie is freezing to death in his corduroy shorts wanting to go to class, about to get knocked down by another four wheel drive about to reverse into him.
It's like pushing water up a hill sometimes trying convince others that there is so much more to life. Yet, as the Buddhists would say "some people wouldn't have it any other way", in other words, there are those who are happy, being unhappy! Not me, I know that there is something amazing and magical within us and all around us and we can all find it. With some tuning in, meditation, affirmations and an open mind you can change your life.