As I have mentioned before soul mates come in all guises. I have spent many years reading books on the subject and it has been, for me, rather like being given a very difficult jigsaw puzzle. After discovering my sixth sense I decided to find out more. Why are we here? Why do certain events happen to us? What happens after we die?
In this wonderful world of synchronicity, a good friend of mine gave me a copy of Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss. In a nut shell, Weiss is a hypnotherapist who tells the story of a patient, who whilst being regressed, slipped back so far she found herself as an Egyptian BC! Weiss gives an honest account of this extraordinary experience, and delves further. Throughout the book his patient recounts numerous past lives, none I might add, glamorous or regal. However, the author becomes curious as to her whereabouts between lives and incredibly , at that point, her voice would change, as if she was channelling messages from the other side. These messages were for me, the first pieces of my puzzle and my picture started emerging. With a thirst for more knowledge, I read his second book Only Love is Real. An enlightening story of a man and woman unknown to each other, discovering they had lived together in previous lives and finding love again in this one through Weiss.
I still have much to learn, I think that will take many more life times, yet I have a greater understanding of the bigger picture. I believe that we do reincarnate and each life is shared with other soul mates. Their purpose is to help each other to learn and grow. Therefore, not all will be "the one", some are far from it. Soul mates are those who have an impact on our lives, good or bad. Of course, that's not to say that amongst those are people we will fall in love with and share incredible happiness and understanding.
From what I have experienced as both a therapist conducting past life regressions and experiencing my own journeys back in time, I am left with no doubt that we all switch roles in each life. Your mother, for example could have been your daughter previously, and your worst enemy could have been the love of your life.
As agonising as it can be, when we are hurt by the actions of others we must recognise that on a soul level they were helping us to learn. I often find through sessions with my clients there seems to be specific lessons through their life that they must accomplish and if they don't recognise it the first time then a pattern emerges as various painful events reoccur. The situations may appear different, including the people involved, yet the message is the same, it may be rejection, self respect, unconditional love, and many more. Have you ever heard a friend say "I want to settle down in a relationship, but every time I fall in love it ends in the same scenario?" Perhaps, they are not getting the message? I have found that once you "get it" and let the universe know, it will not happen again, and the cycle stops. Certain meditations can help too, especially when a marriage has ended or a contract.
But don't despair! The "one" is out there and you can find them if you haven't already and of course I am always happy to help.
If you want to know more about Past Life Regression, Barbara Ford Hammond's book Past Life Tourism is a wonderful insight into the subject.
And if you have been hurt by someone ask yourself this. "How has this person's behaviour towards me helped me to become a better person?"
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