Thursday, 11 October 2007

I have just been giving relationship advice to a vicar! Now, you would think a man of the cloth with a direct line to the big guy upstairs would know the answer to everything, surely? Or is there a clue in the question? Well he is a man!

Perhaps, that's a little unfair, after all, women (me included) are continuously flummoxed as to the key the perfect relationship. Although, I think I know the answers, I sometimes don't listen to that little voice saying "NO"!

Spiritual Law says, that if we believe in the greater power available to us all, then we can have anything we want to make us happy. My clergy friend made one negative statement after another. "I can't find a woman who understands me", "I am lonely", "all women want me to commit"! By saying this, he is affirming it, and the universe will give him exactly what he states. If he changed his affirmations to the possitive "all women understand me", "I am surrounded with friends", "I have found the perfect woman" then he would start to manifest his true desires.

Recently, The Secret a best selling film and DVD has influenced millions to use The Law of Attraction. A guide to cosmic ordering anything you want, it demostrates how we can get that job, soulmate, car etc. But what about the Law of Karma, or in simple terms, being careful for what you wish for? Yes, you can manifest a Ferrari but there is no guarantee that it won't kill you once you are behind the wheel. Equally, you can bring a soulmate into your life, but not all soulmates make you happy. They are there to teach us lessons, and most lessons are learnt through our mistakes.

Perhaps in this materialist world that we live in, we should focus on what we really want - happiness. Leaving the boys upstairs to decide what it is that makes our souls happy. The Law of Attraction simply means that what ever we are, we attract into our lives. So if we want to have happiness we need to be happy people.

My affirmation for today? I am a happy and loving person!.

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