Thursday, 8 November 2007

A Few Predictions.

My mentor and gorgeous mate Nick Thorogood suggested I put some predictions on my blog. And since I have nothing else to report as I have spent another day bashing out information on my data base (452) I thought, why not!

So here goes, hopefully this will resonate with the you.

Lauren, your key is by the back door.

Christina, (Chrissy) your mother is sorry that she left you so suddenly but it was her time and your father needs you now more than ever, it's time to heal the rift.

Charlie M, your brother is very sick and will take a long time to get well, but he will get well, keep the faith.

Rowena J, you must be patient and don't give up the studying yet. I know you want to throw in the towel but it will all pay off in the end, I promise.

There is a food company (small around 150 employees) near Worcester. This company is in financial trouble but can be rescued. I feel it may be family run, please stop arguing and pull together it is your only hope.

The J who left Chester to head west yesterday or could have been the day before, you are in total denial and long term this will bring you nothing but karmic pain.

Luca, you will get the job, be patient.

Phew! OK let's see if this means anything to anyone and I will endeavour to put some messages at the end of each of my blogs. So watch this space.

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