Whilst in London last week, I was given a number of publications to review for a radio station. As I drove home, my boot bursting, I relished the thought of indulging in a good book, all destined for the Mind Body and Spirit section of all good book stores, but which one first?
I chose The Reincarnation of Edgar Case by Wynn Free (fabulous name!) and David Wilcock, an inspiring read for those who are looking for answers on the purpose of life, the after-life and beyond. I am struggling to put it down at the moment, especially as I should be ploughing through the infamous mailing list (500 ish), yet it is so thought provoking and leaves me hungry to keep turning the pages.
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), was regarded as a psychic, philosopher and healer. People came to him in their hundreds to seek his help and guidance. Part of his legacy was complete transcripts of over 1600 readings he had given in the latter part of his life. His son Hugh Lynn Cayce, later founded the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) and the Edgar Cayce Foundation which assists thousands of people to explore and study those transcripts.
Cayce was regarded as "perhaps the greatest psychic that the United States ever produced". He predicted forthcoming events with great accuracy. Amongst those were the First and Second World War, the independence of India and the 1929 stock market crash. Fifteen years prior to the event, he prophesied the creation of the State of Israel. Yet one of his most disturbing fore sights was his concern for "vast geographical upheavals which by the year 1998 will result in the destruction of New York, the disappearance of most of Japan, and a cataclysmic change in Northern Europe".
So far, I understand he led a fairly normal life, he chain smoked, spent too much money and at times was impatient with others around him. As a fellow psychic, I can't tell you what a relief it was to read that bit! However, according to the book he is back amongst us, in the incarnation of David Wilcock. Before you sceptics out there start groaning check out:
There is definitely more than a similarity there between the two men,don't you think? Despite his reluctance to this claim, according to the author, Wilcock found it, in the end difficult to disprove and is backed by ARE members. He, like Cayce, has an extraordinary psychic talent.
Personally, I do believe that we reincarnate, and have experienced many past life regressions. We have far too many life lessons to learn, to cram into one life time, although, I think I am packing quite a few in, this life time! The purpose, in my opinion is to eventually understand nothing but unconditional love, and we then move on.
We will get there in the end, and according to the book, the end is sooner than you think, 2012 to be precise. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, 2012 is the end of The Mayan Calender and some say the end of the world. Even NASA is predicting the sun will reverse its own magnetic poles during 2012 as result of reaching the end of the current 11-year sunspot cycle. So, something is going on. Just google 2012 and once you have skipped the section on The Olympics you will find a host of theories and information.
Now, before you start walking up down Oxford Street with a sandwich board, let me explain. Most spiritual people believe that there is something extremely significant about this date, but in a positive way. The belief is that the world will end "as we know it". To expand on that, we are already seeing more and more people seeking a spiritual path of consciousness. A number of my clients, for example, would never have dreamt of seeking spiritual advice as little as ten years ago. Therefore, by 2012, this will spiritual quest within most of us will be complete.
With events, such as 9/11 and the fighting that prevails between religions, life becomes a total confusion. It begs the eternal question "why are we here?". I don't have all the answers but I am working on it every day, either through outside knowledge or through my own life experiences.
I feel sure of one thing though, good will overcome evil in the end and during the years running up to 2012 we will see enormous events taking place. Some, will appear positive and some negative but in the end there will be a reason for them all. In my own little world, both those around me and myself are experiencing huge challenges and life changes.
So watch this space in both your personal life and the world around you. Remember karma, the Law of Attraction and the Law of Reflection. Life is always your choice, and even those who may seem to have their eyes firmly shut, will have to open them soon enough. Meanwhile, I am going back to my book!
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