Thursday, 12 November 2009

Peace in their time

I have learnt over the last few years on my journey to enlightenment, that if you have a particular dream for something and it's not working out, leave it alone! If a door is shut keep it shut, but if a door is open go through it.....simple! Naturally, like any stubborn female there have been times that I have tried to find the key to open the door or even managed to force it open with a flippin crowbar, but it just swings back and I get my fingers caught or worse!

Lately however, it seems that I am following the right path, doors are opening everywhere and so far I don't feel an annoying draft! As I have mentioned before I have been working with teenagers and twentysomethings.....the youth of today. Never have I experienced anything so rewarding and I feel as if the best is yet to come. Although, I think they get bored of me nagging at them about the rubbish they eat as they munch away in class on stuff that doesn't even look like food. I digress....more importantly they are more enthusiastic than ever to sort out our sorry town.

So despite our long term plan to have a place for them to go,that provides fun and a future for them, first up is giving Sudbury a shake. Once a quaint Suffolk market town, now a place overrun by young people spilling out of pubs and clubs all weekend, causing trouble. Vandalism, drug addiction, alcohol abuse and teenage pregnancy all rising steadily and now......murder. Yes I know we are not exclusive, but Rome and all that.

In 1993, a transendental meditation group on Washington meditated for peace and to lower the crime rate. It worked, just through the power of 4,000 participant's thought process the crime rate was recorded as decreasing by 48%! This is a mind blowing figure and surely can not be ignored? I suggested we try and pursuade Sudbury's population to do the same, bring the place to a grinding halt, even for just for one day.

Positivety is infectious, and organically within an hour we had come up with a cunning plan to produce some kind of Peace Day. Our imagination went nuts as we visualised stages with brilliant bands, amazing speakers and gurus, turning our town for one day into a proper community.

One of the boys said "and perhaps we could all pin our hopes and dreams onto a tree?" His comment blew me away, but it's amazing what happens when you cut down on sugar!

I began in earnest to put the feelers out and the doors are swinging open. Not only did everyone pick up their phone and listen, so far they are all saying yes! Local authorites and the police are being incredibly helpful, my friends and contacts are just the same. Already I have had some very exciting names agree to be on board, details later, and next week I have meetings to pin down the date next year and of course the venues. It has even grown into being a weekend now, a festival.

My 12 year old son said that "we couldn't have peace around us, unless we found peace within first!" and suggested we have a confession cubicle for people to write down their troubles and burn them. And yes it did bring a lump in my throat.

Another group member has no idea how good his writing is, finally started writing his own blog, and I am very proud of him. Well done Matt, please keep it up! The link is below and definitely worth a read.

I will be keeping updates of this event on here and there will be facebook etc pages available soon, I think I am going to be rather busy for the next 9 months and as ever, brilliantly timed with the arrival of a new member of the family on Sunday.....Woodstock aka Woody.....our new puppy! Funny how we named him after the most amazing festival ever, before this idea was born. But then there is no such thing as coincedence!

Peace and happiness

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

When we were young

Where does the time go when you're having fun! One minute I am on my rainy summer holidays and the next we are gathering logs for the fire. It's around this time I defiantly promise myself that I WILL be superwoman this Christmas. I visualise myself with my feet up by December in front of said fire, whilst everyone else stands in queues at More Toys R Driving Us Nuts! So far so good, but family members please don't hold your breath!

My work with my teenagers had progressed and I must confess to loving every minute of it. The group grew, so I split the them into girls and boys. Interestingly, the boys are there without fail every week, which has slightly turned into a swap as they are teaching me poker the following evening! The girls have been distracted, and I am not sure that their hunger for wanting to change their lives is so great, perhaps a few more lessons with the outside world first. However, I am touched by the attendance and loyalty from the guys and in return they are making amazing progress in only a few weeks. Their psychic/intuitive ability is incredible and I am so proud to be helping them. Equally, their want for more in their lives is leading them to incredible self motivation. Their aspect on what the world could offer them is changing for the better.

Sadly, our local town, Sudbury, lost a young life to a stabbing a few weeks ago. The shock wave has been immense and some of my group knew the victim. That week in our class we all talked at length about what happened and why. Organically, an idea hatched from these young people who desperately want change in their community. If a typical ignorant adult, who pigeon holes all teenagers as something of a waste of space, lent them an ear they might just learn a thing or too. I found our talk incredibly humbling and inspiring. Given a choice they would rather be playing sport or some other fun activity than spending night after night in a drossy themed pub.

Together we have given life to a project which is still in the embryonic stages, however, driven by a spiritual understanding and already some divine intervention we could change things. A chance for teenagers to have a voice and show others that they are good souls too. They are our future after all. More on this as it unfolds.

As for me, life is getting better and better. I get stronger and wiser every day. Halloween, my favourite time of the year, approaches and I will be at the Scole Inn for a haunted evening on the 31st. I am also about to embark on some new paranormal experiments with a group, based on the experiments that took place, oddly just behind the Scole Inn. Mr and Mr Foy who conducted the original Scole Experiments have sent a copy of the formula and once I acquire all the tools needed , we shall begin! I am so looking forward to seeing what will happen as the book and website is quite intriguing.

As I look back on the last few years, I hardly recognise myself. I finally feel some inner peace and the universe has been hard at work helping me. There is still a part of that mountain to climb, but, I feel the summit is near and I have found the strength to get there. Now, when clients come and see me I feel richer in experience than ever and no longer feel like the plumber fixing other people's taps whilst my own leaks at home.


Thursday, 20 August 2009

The youth of today!

Ok, so yes, it's been a while. Three weeks in wet Cornwall wasn't worth banging on about. Suffolk apparently, has more sunshine than anywhere in the country, and boy did I remind myself of that whilst I was in the deep south! It also has less seagulls and I am sorry, but despite the need to love all God's creatures I wish they had manners!

With respect to others I am just going to say that I am happy to be home and I realise more than ever how much I love where I live and how blessed I am to live in sunny Suffolk!

Whilst away, a lovely teenager in the village looked after my house. Yes, I left the house in the capable hands of a teenager! Seems that whilst I was sitting under an umberella on the beach, word was getting out in the Suffolk teenage community about my "cool" work!

Requests were coming in for a seance when I got back, or something else equally scarey would be "well bad" or was it good? So, this got me thinking and I thought about how many teenagers are out there bored and getting themselves into trouble. If only they could understand that karma is real, that they have an abilty to reach a "high" on meditation alone and could manifest a happy future for themselves.

Last Thursday, my girls class came and we decided to envoke angels, I hadn't asked for help myself recently and so we began to meditate. We each took it in turns to ask and we all felt amazing, I felt a massive shift.

The following day, things started to happen! Really wierd coincedences started to take place and I felt strangley protected. By Tuesday ten teenagers arrived at my house, 6 boys and 4 girls. Aged between 14 and 19 and all with the most extra ordinary tales to tell. I was recently told by some kind person that I needed to "get into the real world" well "whatever!" if I hadn't before, I have now.

I will not divulge their personal stories for obvious reasons, but I had an insight into lives that broke my heart. Brave faces, clenched jaws and the fear not to cry about incredibly tough lives rocked me. I was trying to work out how I could adopt them all!

But their fascination for my work and their gasps and squeals as I either read for them or showed them how to use their own psychic ability had them gripped.We meditated and talked about how to let go of their past and manifest a happy future.

At the end of the evening, (the last one left at 2am, which is apparently early!) I lay in bed and thanked the universe from the bottom of my heart for allowing me the opportunity to work with these young people. For the record I am not charging this group, the experience is richness enough.

Thanks to face book, twitter, texts and all other normal teenage communication more now want to come! What if......what if spiritual teaching could actually be the key to changing these young peoples lives? The future could be incredible for all of us....after all they are our future.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Is being Spiritual "the new black"?

In my crazy world I meet all sorts. But, living in a western world and with a responsibility to a family and work commitments, my desire to explore India, South America and other spiritual locations can not be fulfilled right now. Yet, I often yearn to indulge in the conversation of a guru, a master or a shaman.

The word Spiritual is everywhere now, from a drop down in face book profile to a section in a generic book shop. "I'm spiritual!" many inform me once they learn about me. But what baffles me is once I learn more about them, I'm not sure if they really know what "being spiritual" really means.

Why do I recognise this? Because I was like that once upon a time....until the Universe gave me a good slap and said "put that ego away and get out there and really learn!".

There seems to be a void in so many people lives, a sense of something missing, but what on earth, or above for that matter is it!? Someone recently suggested that perhaps we are "homesick" for our true home...our soul home on the other side. I think he may have point, undoubtedly for me, there is always the thirst for more knowledge....but is it one particular book in the life library or a secret code in many. The key is your heart, not your head, if it feels right in your heart then your soul is telling you so.

Going on a spiritual journey can be very hard work, if you follow the signs, signals and your intuition then it will become easier, but our conditioning and humanness tends to blur our vision and then we end up getting lost down some dead end and have to struggle to get back.

I wonder if trends are just a comfort for some, the need to be in a tribe and have or do what everyone else is doing. At my daughter's school pre recession the car park was awash with Discovery 4x4's now mini club man's are the flavour of the month, perhaps in an effort to look as if they are conforming to new greener, less opulent life style?

Spirituality is not meant to be a trend, it's a way of life and once it's really there, it's there for life. Sometimes at a cost to other people and your own enormous personal adjustments. If you try dipping in and out when it suits then accept the consequences, karma has a lovely way of biting us on the backside when we are thought no one was looking.

The road to Enlightenment means understanding basic spiritual laws, and realising the bigger picture. The Universe is watching your every move, your intentions, your thoughts and your manifestations. It could take lifetimes to "get there" so a word of warning, don't allow your ego to look for approval by announcing that you are spiritual. Certain resident gurus in India spend years in meditation, there's no big announcement or sign saying "hey, look at me". They know that this is a personal journey and have no need for approval....that is being Spiritual.

If you want to sign up, educate yourself and meditate, flashing the latest publication from the mind, body and spirit section next to your latte at Starbucks wont enlighten you unless you read it and absorb it. Surrounding yourself with incense sticks, tarot cards, pictures of Buddha...or similar wont do it either. It's all about intention and connecting with your soul. Recognising lessons and being grateful for the now which matter. If tomorrow you mind is on another quick fix then the road will be a long one.


Friday, 12 June 2009

Happy Days

"You're cooking on gas, Lizzie!" remarked a respected and good friend. And you know what...I think, maybe I am! Three years ago, I thought I had taken a wrong turning, but maybe it wasn't. It feels like I have woken up from a bad dream.

The expression "what ever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" applies. For those of you who are reading this and feel as if you are in the middle of an emotional storm, stay calm. A storm always passes, and when it does we breathe in new, fresh air and the clouds have disappeared. Then the sun comes out and everything begins to grow again. There is even beauty in the storm itself and a purpose to its presence.

Now that I have got "it" my life journey is at the moment very very exciting and I surrounded by wonderful people. It's just over a week till San Fransisco now and I am looking forward to seeing the family, new friends and working! Filming next week before I go and then more exciting stuff when I get back!

Whilst in Andalusia I visited a client who lived in the most stunning valley, we travelled along a long track through the mountains and round each corner were the most spectacular views. A poppy field like no other I have ever seen, multi-coloured goats defying the law of gravity grazing on a sunlit slope on another peppered in between with fields of wild corriander growing...amazing. Finally, we approached a gate to an the estate. The view just took my breath away as vultures swooped overhead there in the distance was the most beautiful hacienda. Gingerly we drove down the hill, until we reached a small farmers cottage on the grounds.

The owners had spent some time staying in the property but had to move back in tho the big house as they were having terrible problems sleeping, and there was a general sense of another presence invading their space. Various events eventually made it impossible for them to stay there and I was asked to fly over and help.

As soon as I walked in I felt a deeply sad female spirit who sat on a bed in a small back bedroom. She had...I believe...died of an illness brought through something in the water. This later was validated. I was with the lady who owned the house, her friend and my dear friend Christina. We opened all the shutters to bring in the light and sat around a large table in the middle of the sitting room. We held hands to raise the energy and as I spoke in English, which was then translated into Spanish, at the very moment I announced that the spirit was leaving I thought my teenage son had just left the room. There was the most almighty slam of a window..nothing broken thank God....and then it all went quiet!

Job done, a cup of tea at the big house, and then back to the retreat where I was staying. The owners decided to sleep in the cottage that night and let me know in the morning how it pressure then!

The next day Christina had received the message I needed to hear. Apparently, all was very well and a new sense of peace and calm was now found in the cottage. Phew!

I will never forget that place and would love to visit it again one day, not for the same reason obviously, but it was another reminder of why I love my work. I was blessed to have met such lovely people and seen such a special place.

Friday, 5 June 2009


Five days in Andalusia were wonderful and thank you to all those angels at The Lodge who helped me connect with my soul.

Now back, the Universe continues to be incredibly giving and before I set off to San Fransisco I am filming something very exciting. Watch this space for more details later!

Right, back to real true life, as my daughter would call it, and on the subject of my darling angel, I struggled to share her excitement in the new Hannah Montana album.....based on the movie.....based on the TV show! But, track 8, floored me! Get over the fact it's America's latest teen commercial sensation and this song is inspirational for anyone who needs to get to where ever they need to be and recognise that its not the getting there...... its the journey. I needed someone to say those words to me when I went through a tough time a while ago, I haven't quite got to the top of my mountain yet, but I am climbing and now enjoy the climb. In fact, this time I am enjoying every foot that I place on every rock and if someone pushes me down... I don't need to slip all the way one does. If, on the other hand someone wants to race you to the top, it doesn't mean that they are the winner either. It's the experience, sheer hard work and total belief that you will get there when no one else gives a ****, that will make you stand on that peak stronger and wiser.

The Climb

I can almost see it
That dream I’m dreaming but
There’s a voice inside my head sayin,
You’ll never reach it,
Every step I’m taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

The struggles I’m facing,
The chances I’m taking
Sometimes they might knock me down but
No I’m not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I’m going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Somebody's you're going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It’s all about
It’s all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith
Whoaaa Ohwaoooh

Happy climbing!

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Good morning Spain

Its 7.30am and I am surrounded by a backdrop of the most beautiful Spanish Mountains. The sun is already up and I can see for miles. No matter what is going on in life when you see something as stunning as this you know there must a higher force.

I thought my journey here was going to be challenging as I spent most of my time at the airport in queues. I read somewhere that we spend two years of our life in queues....two bloody years!!! So, now I avoid them as much as possible and when I am in one try to make the most of it. The flight was great.... suprisingly good actually. My host and dearest friend Tina collected me from the airport with her daughter Gina, and we made our way up the mountain, at least I think we did I kept my eyes shut most of the way....the Spanish seem to drive as if the lives are totally irrelavant!!

I feel this strange happiness today and I haven't quite figured out why. It's just a kind of "glad to be alive" feeling, blessed to have what I have and excited about the future. This morning I am off to clear a haunted hotel and then this afternoon I take part in a course....more on that later.

We cant all step outside and look at mountains to remind ourselves how lucky we are, but we all have something not far away that we can look at to remind ourselves that life isn't so bad. Family, home, a park, the sky.....go and find something and have a lovely day!

PS For those who are interested this where I am staying (my room is little door on the left!)

Monday, 18 May 2009


Well, ever the incurable romantic, I settled down to watch the film Serendipity last night. For those who of you who are unfamiliar with this slushy chick flick, its the usual boy meets girl, but its complicated...of course! However, they decide to leave their fate in the lap of the Gods. They have to part, but not before they both write down their telephone numbers on random items. His is on a dollar bill and hers in a second hand book, which are sent out into the street of New York. Fast forward a few years and they both feel compelled to find each other and follow a fatalistic path. Funny, having seen this movie a number of times and yet it still gives me the feel good factor.

Recently, novelist Amanda Craig was reported as saying that watching romantic movies and chasing similar fairytale endings are bad for us, as it didn't reflect on real life, therefore gave us false hope. Mental note to myself not to pick up one of her books unless I want to feel bloody miserable.

In the world we live in today, where everything is very very real, poverty, war, starvation.. aren't we allowed to dream? Perhaps Amanda has some issues of her own and needs us to know that her life is not fluffy right now?

So, back to my world if I may for a minute. Whether you believe in fate or not surely it's worth a try if you have already been every other which way and it still isn't working. In the last 12 years of talking to clients, its generally the ones who listen to that well conditioned mind who have come unstuck. "I did it because, it was the right thing to do, so, why am I still unhappy?" Sounds familiar?

I believe that we are a soul in a human body and when we listen to our soul which comes from a feeling in our heart then we are on the right track. Why not try for one week to follow fate and see what happens?

Start by stopping! Stop listening to your unconditioned mind and just go with the flow, as they say. Watch out for signs, signals and coincidences. If someone invites you to something....go! If you bump into to someone you haven't seen for a while, this could be a sign. If you see things or hear things that repeatedly remind you of someone then its possible that you will have a reconnection of some kind soon. Just become more aware of your surroundings, the magazine page you just opened, the letter that just arrived, the topic of conversation on the radio you hear and so forth.

You might not meet your fairytale prince or princess by the end of the week, but you might have some fun. Isn't that what life is supposed to be about? Have fun!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

A quick thank you

Well, the Universe rocks right now!

Two weeks ago, Bayfield Hall became the new venue for my Soul Weekends and it was better than ever! Thanks to Caroline and Philippa who were amazingly helpful, everything ran like clock work. Even Roger who resides at Bayfield, who had spent many a meeting with me teasing me and telling me he was not going to "believe" until he had seen a ghost, finally got his wish! So, already another weekend is booked in for June if anyone would like to come its all on my website.

If that wasn't enough excitement, I am off to Spain and San Fransisco in the next few weeks. First stop, Rhonda to the most beautiful retreat to visit two clients and attend a 4 day course. It will be so good to be there again, on my last visit (which was a holiday) the owners asked me to take a look at the retreat they were building. There seemed to be a number of problems attached to the project including the funding and issues with builders. As soon as I arrived I saw spirits everywhere. My immediate reaction was that this place was on the site of a burial ground! The owners knew nothing of this and it was only when I returned to the hotel that one of the staff confirmed that is was indeed a burial ground and they didn't want to tell the owners, I had a lot of work to do.

I returned the next morning and moved on the roaming spirits, six weeks later I had a call from the owner to say that all was great and the building was almost complete. I am now returning to attend a course there and to meet another client who has a similar problem. I am so looking forward to seeing this incredible place again.

Then its off to San Fransisco! I have just signed a very exciting contract and am spending a week with doing the rounds and at the same time visiting my brother and his family. I will finally get to meet my nephew, I love synchronicity!

So thank you again universe!

Thursday, 23 April 2009

The End of the World?

According the New Scientist a sun storm is apparently scheduled to appear in 2012. Yes 2012...the year I have been banging on about....the year the Mayan Calender, the Celts and other ancient cultures have predicted to be the end of the world!

I can't deny coming out in a cold sweat when I read the article. A sun storm would cause a slow process of destroying the majority of our civilization. The first thing to suffer would be electricty and this would plunge, predomenantly the western world into chaos, closely followed all other means of communication, internet, mobile phone etc.

If this storm happens it's predicted to take years for a our world to recover, and although not all of us will die, many many thousands will. The most likely survivors will be those living in the third world, those who have struggled and have been ignored by the big fat greedy westerner for centuries.

How much life would change compared to now? Nothing would be so important anymore, the recession, politics, financial markets, celebrity status, material one will give a flying....think about it!

Is it a coincedence, and I don't believe in coincedences, that a prediction from a team of scientists colides with what we so called crazy out there spiritual believers have been banging on about for ages? How many more warnings do we need before understand what matters?

So, fast forward to our day of judgement. Did we fullfill everything we set out to do? Did we experience real love and happiness? Did we find a soul mate? Did we enjoy the planet we live on and respect it? Did we forgive and ask for forgiveness? Did we live in the now and enjoy the moment? Did we realise we are not the only person on this planet?

This is all we have got folks, and that tsunami is coming, surf the wave of enlightment or drown in your ignorance.

Sun storm or not.....what if.....think about it.....really think about it.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

We still don't get it.

As I have said before, I believe that the Universe is hard at work trying to remind us about what is important and what is not right now. If you aren't suffering personally from the recession yourself, then it would be wise to learn from someone close to you who is. It could be you next.

I still find it quite baffling as to the so called "needs" of some people. Still, people feel that money, fame, a bigger house, the "right friends" bla bla, will make their lives complete.

Sadly, I heard very recently about yet another friend and mother of young children who is very sick. Every time I drift in ridiculous poor me land somewhere in my head I remind myself that she is fighting for her life right now.

I was never a huge Jade Goody fan but she has been in my thoughts so much recently, glancing out at a beautiful sunset on her way to wedding venue she burst into tears and said "if I die, I won't see this any more!" She knew in her final days that the things that matter most were just in nature alone.

My children are growing up so fast, the eldest is 20 this year and it really has flown by. I am blessed with three children and even when they are being a pain in the back side I try to tell myself that one day I will miss all this chaos and long for one more day of it.

It's time to get over ourselves, really appreciate what we have in the here and now. I have been just as guilty, but I GET IT NOW!! If you want a happy life, look around you and be grateful for what you already have.

This is the lull before the storm, the tsunami of awakening is coming and you want to surf the wave, not drown underneath it.

I was meditating the other night, someone spoke to me, you can choose to beleive it or not, but it happened. He said "To have Peace on Earth we must realise we are a piece of each other".

No one is better than anyone else and everything you want materialistically will never last for ever. The only thing that lasts is love.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Update from the universe and so much more.

Well, so far so good! Having listened to some inspiring advice I have started to meditate the feelings I am looking for in life. I envoked a feeling of total serenity and calm and at the same time imagined the feeling of unconditional love.

Day 1 and a friend calls and tells me a national newspaper are looking for a psychic to write about. My first instict is to think negative thoughts, till I remind myself that I am supposed to be living a fatalistic path! Immediately, I write to the journalist and get a reply straight away. To cut a long story short I will be featured in a couple of weeks.....thank you Universe!

I also responded to a new friend's e mail last week and we ended up chatting for over an hour, what came out of our conversation was so exciting and I am off to meet her tomorrow to plot an exciting project. I so want to share but have done that too many times in the past and ended up jinxing it.

At the beginning of last year I mentioned in my blog that I felt some really big changes were going to happen on this planet and here we are in the thick of a recession. In my opinion this is well over due, I feel the Universe is trying to get us all to understand what is important and what isn't. Our world is changing rapidly and at the same time the need for answers for individuals to getting the answer to eternal question "why are we here" is getting louder and louder.

Sadly, some will never understand what really matters, or have see spirituality as a fad or fashion and then go back to living a totally human existance. If we are to search for enlightenment and recognise it, we must address what we cant do, not what we can.

When we look and admire what we can do we are coming from the ego. But when we are honest with ourselves and ask "what can't we face?", then we begin to realise that those are our mountains and to climb, which will take us further in our soul evolvement.

Patience is one of my big ones...... and listening to what's left of my conditioning! How do I know that? Because I believe in the law of attraction and reflection. When I look at what I am surrounded by in people and situations I know the universe is trying to remind me that these are lessons to address in myself. However, the universe also reminds us through the most amazing signs and signals that we are on the right path and after asking for a small sign getting in my car on Monday morning, another car drove's number plate......PE4CE. I love that!

Finally, I would just like to mention the fantastic night I had at the Scole Inn last week. Amongst the usual lovely crowd, three mediums arrived with infra red cameras! They were rigged up in two of the most "active" rooms to monitors, and what we all saw was amazing. Orbs were raining down like a snow storm and wierdly we found it quite hypnotic to watch. I am now waiting for one to pop up on e bay. I will be back in May for more ghost hunting.


Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Catch up

I know, I know its been forever since I wrote this blog, still better late than never as they say. Perhaps, there is no such thing as never, I mean, if we reincarnate then surely there is always an opportunity?

So far, I have been plotting and planning at work, I have finally found a lovely new venue in NorfIolk for my girls weekends, Bayfield Hall is owned by lovely friends Roger and Caroline and I am so looking forward to our first one in April with Barbara. Its all on my website.

Since the days of Voewood I have evolved and so therefore so have my weekends. I have been studying again and pushing further in my quest to get a little closer to whatever is out there. I am reading the most intriguing collection of books and listening lectures and the universe seems to be sending a number of fascinating new people to meet.

I have also done some letting go of my past with some interesting and surprising results. I would share but they are very personal right now and would rather wait until the time was right.

But 2009 is about parking my personal stuff and getting on with my mission in life (after bringing up my children). I am going to conduct a personal experiment for the next few weeks and only act on anything that comes into my life in a fatalistic way. I am completely following the laws of spirituality.

Everyday, I will meditate in a new way. Just by visualising myself in complete happiness and go futher by imagining myself FEELING happy. According to the great visionary known by most as just Neville (Goddard) we must take our desires into the realm of being absolutely in that moment. This is when we can manifest our desires and bring them to a realistic outcome.

Yes, there is a catch, we can only bring about our wants if we let go of our ego first. So, you cant manifest something just because you think you want it, and if it not good for others. I know its a bit of bummer but trust me when I say that I have often wished for something and once I got it I wished it would go away again!

The road to enlightenment is a long and intricate one, and so much easier if you have time to sit under a tree in Goa rather than drop your children off and whizz into the supermarket before work, or leg it to the station to catch the 7.10 Liverpool Street.

But it is, I believe, possible no matter who you are and where you are to become conscious and enlightened and day by day it becomes a work in progress for the rest of your life or lives!

Lastly, I hope you have all been catching my friend Peter Owen Jones' series Around the World in 80 Faiths. Pete is one very lucky man to have travelled to all those places and I have already told him how I jealous I am. To meet and learn so much from so many different people of so many beliefs is wonderful. He told me that the BBC have already started to repeat it, if that isn't a clue to what people really want to watch on TV.....rather than the usual rubbish that is churned out. Most humans are looking for answers, and 80 Faiths, Tribe etc are exactly what we need to educate us.

Right enough of the TV critic I am off to meditate and then it's the under 9's hockey match in the rain! This is the universe having a joke at my expense by the way!