Ok, so yes, it's been a while. Three weeks in wet Cornwall wasn't worth banging on about. Suffolk apparently, has more sunshine than anywhere in the country, and boy did I remind myself of that whilst I was in the deep south! It also has less seagulls and I am sorry, but despite the need to love all God's creatures I wish they had manners!
With respect to others I am just going to say that I am happy to be home and I realise more than ever how much I love where I live and how blessed I am to live in sunny Suffolk!
Whilst away, a lovely teenager in the village looked after my house. Yes, I left the house in the capable hands of a teenager! Seems that whilst I was sitting under an umberella on the beach, word was getting out in the Suffolk teenage community about my "cool" work!
Requests were coming in for a seance when I got back, or something else equally scarey would be "well bad" or was it good? So, this got me thinking and I thought about how many teenagers are out there bored and getting themselves into trouble. If only they could understand that karma is real, that they have an abilty to reach a "high" on meditation alone and could manifest a happy future for themselves.
Last Thursday, my girls class came and we decided to envoke angels, I hadn't asked for help myself recently and so we began to meditate. We each took it in turns to ask and we all felt amazing, I felt a massive shift.
The following day, things started to happen! Really wierd coincedences started to take place and I felt strangley protected. By Tuesday ten teenagers arrived at my house, 6 boys and 4 girls. Aged between 14 and 19 and all with the most extra ordinary tales to tell. I was recently told by some kind person that I needed to "get into the real world" well "whatever!" if I hadn't before, I have now.
I will not divulge their personal stories for obvious reasons, but I had an insight into lives that broke my heart. Brave faces, clenched jaws and the fear not to cry about incredibly tough lives rocked me. I was trying to work out how I could adopt them all!
But their fascination for my work and their gasps and squeals as I either read for them or showed them how to use their own psychic ability had them gripped.We meditated and talked about how to let go of their past and manifest a happy future.
At the end of the evening, (the last one left at 2am, which is apparently early!) I lay in bed and thanked the universe from the bottom of my heart for allowing me the opportunity to work with these young people. For the record I am not charging this group, the experience is richness enough.
Thanks to face book, twitter, texts and all other normal teenage communication more now want to come! What if......what if spiritual teaching could actually be the key to changing these young peoples lives? The future could be incredible for all of us....after all they are our future.
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