Thursday, 2 July 2009

Is being Spiritual "the new black"?

In my crazy world I meet all sorts. But, living in a western world and with a responsibility to a family and work commitments, my desire to explore India, South America and other spiritual locations can not be fulfilled right now. Yet, I often yearn to indulge in the conversation of a guru, a master or a shaman.

The word Spiritual is everywhere now, from a drop down in face book profile to a section in a generic book shop. "I'm spiritual!" many inform me once they learn about me. But what baffles me is once I learn more about them, I'm not sure if they really know what "being spiritual" really means.

Why do I recognise this? Because I was like that once upon a time....until the Universe gave me a good slap and said "put that ego away and get out there and really learn!".

There seems to be a void in so many people lives, a sense of something missing, but what on earth, or above for that matter is it!? Someone recently suggested that perhaps we are "homesick" for our true home...our soul home on the other side. I think he may have point, undoubtedly for me, there is always the thirst for more knowledge....but is it one particular book in the life library or a secret code in many. The key is your heart, not your head, if it feels right in your heart then your soul is telling you so.

Going on a spiritual journey can be very hard work, if you follow the signs, signals and your intuition then it will become easier, but our conditioning and humanness tends to blur our vision and then we end up getting lost down some dead end and have to struggle to get back.

I wonder if trends are just a comfort for some, the need to be in a tribe and have or do what everyone else is doing. At my daughter's school pre recession the car park was awash with Discovery 4x4's now mini club man's are the flavour of the month, perhaps in an effort to look as if they are conforming to new greener, less opulent life style?

Spirituality is not meant to be a trend, it's a way of life and once it's really there, it's there for life. Sometimes at a cost to other people and your own enormous personal adjustments. If you try dipping in and out when it suits then accept the consequences, karma has a lovely way of biting us on the backside when we are thought no one was looking.

The road to Enlightenment means understanding basic spiritual laws, and realising the bigger picture. The Universe is watching your every move, your intentions, your thoughts and your manifestations. It could take lifetimes to "get there" so a word of warning, don't allow your ego to look for approval by announcing that you are spiritual. Certain resident gurus in India spend years in meditation, there's no big announcement or sign saying "hey, look at me". They know that this is a personal journey and have no need for approval....that is being Spiritual.

If you want to sign up, educate yourself and meditate, flashing the latest publication from the mind, body and spirit section next to your latte at Starbucks wont enlighten you unless you read it and absorb it. Surrounding yourself with incense sticks, tarot cards, pictures of Buddha...or similar wont do it either. It's all about intention and connecting with your soul. Recognising lessons and being grateful for the now which matter. If tomorrow you mind is on another quick fix then the road will be a long one.


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