Tuesday, 17 March 2009

We still don't get it.

As I have said before, I believe that the Universe is hard at work trying to remind us about what is important and what is not right now. If you aren't suffering personally from the recession yourself, then it would be wise to learn from someone close to you who is. It could be you next.

I still find it quite baffling as to the so called "needs" of some people. Still, people feel that money, fame, a bigger house, the "right friends" bla bla, will make their lives complete.

Sadly, I heard very recently about yet another friend and mother of young children who is very sick. Every time I drift in ridiculous poor me land somewhere in my head I remind myself that she is fighting for her life right now.

I was never a huge Jade Goody fan but she has been in my thoughts so much recently, glancing out at a beautiful sunset on her way to wedding venue she burst into tears and said "if I die, I won't see this any more!" She knew in her final days that the things that matter most were just in nature alone.

My children are growing up so fast, the eldest is 20 this year and it really has flown by. I am blessed with three children and even when they are being a pain in the back side I try to tell myself that one day I will miss all this chaos and long for one more day of it.

It's time to get over ourselves, really appreciate what we have in the here and now. I have been just as guilty, but I GET IT NOW!! If you want a happy life, look around you and be grateful for what you already have.

This is the lull before the storm, the tsunami of awakening is coming and you want to surf the wave, not drown underneath it.

I was meditating the other night, someone spoke to me, you can choose to beleive it or not, but it happened. He said "To have Peace on Earth we must realise we are a piece of each other".

No one is better than anyone else and everything you want materialistically will never last for ever. The only thing that lasts is love.

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