Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Right here, right now

It's the last day of the school holidays, I have tackled two school uniform lists and replenished geometry sets. I even dared to imagine a day working without the background noise of kids TV watched seemingly by a deeply uninterested cat, or my daughter who has just learnt to whistle, or the boys incessant requests. Did you know that an average 8 year old asks 800 questions a day? My children are living proof, I feel like David Dimbleby on a loop from dawn till dusk. But you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way. I realised about four weeks into the summer break that there was no point fighting for my rights as an adult and surrendered to chaos, poverty, and anadin extra.

My eldest is 19, and it seems like yesterday that he was covered in chocolate in a high chair. Everyday with our children is so precious, I love to watch them grow and learn and can't imagine not waking up with them around into my old age. One day, I am going to miss tripping over a mountain of Barbies, or switching off the bathroom tap and putting the lid on the toothpaste for the millionth time. One day, I am going to miss my teenage son's room looking like Beirut. One day, I am going to miss getting up at six and pouring caffeine down my neck to enable me function just enough to get my son on the school bus.

We must live in the now, we cant worry about tomorrow, and the past is exactly that, the past. When we appreciate what we have around us, then suddenly we find we are standing in the moment and life slows down. I feel huge excitement for my future but don't wish it away. I trust that whatever happens it is meant to be and will all make sense in the end. If you let go of trying then the universe starts to do its job.

Only yesterday, I had the most amazing day, the synchronicity was incredible and when we are on the right path life just becomes easier. So, do what feels right in your heart, and enjoy just being alive, then the wheels start to turn naturally in the right direction.

Would love to right more but apparently my daughter has nothing to wear and apparently it's all my fault, thank the Lord for school for school uniform!

1 comment:

Lara said...


I hereby testify that all of the above is true! May the Universe bless all great mother's because it's hard work and we do it selflessly, in a very 'groundhog day' way.
