Saturday, 15 March 2008

The so called mid life crisis.

I had the pleasure of spending some time this afternoon with a girlfriend who is an academic. At present she is studying Jung and we have some fascinating discussions about spirituality.

"I wish I had been interested in all of this when I was younger" I mused. "Perhaps I would have learnt so much more and had more time ahead of me to continue my quest for knowledge.

"Ah,but Jung said, that most of us reach this point half way through life and likened it to the sun rising, then reaching a point of full potential. Then when we have reached or understood our purpose we continue till we sleep", she explained.

I have often questioned why so many of my clients are an average age of around 45. This is not to say that I see clients in their teens and in the twilight years of their lives too. However, the so called victims of the mid-life crisis are my most frequent visitor.

I meditated this question and an explanation came to me. What if the mid life crisis wasn't hormonal? What if it was spiritual? My understanding is that when we are born, we are pure and have just taken on human form, yet still very much in touch with our spirit. When I held all my babies for the first time, I looked into their eyes and felt their incredible knowing. For me, I had no doubt that they had lived some form of life before. Children may comment on past lives, a familiarity at the very least with a place they have never visited before, and at the most, incredible knowledge which has been researched and can not be explained. Or perhaps, there really is something that frightens them in their bedroom, that you the adult can not see, and what about that imaginary friend?

Early in life, we may be conditioned by our parents, teachers, peers, and so forth. We are taught what to believe and not to believe. The differences between "right" and "wrong". As we grow up some of us are driven by a religion, or a family tradition, a culture or some other following.

During our teens, we might rebel and fight to get out of this establishment desperately looking for that incredible feeling again of freedom and wonder. Some find it in drink and drugs for a while, a blind alley which has inevitable consequences. Others, stop kicking and screaming and decide that losing yourself in conforming with studies etc, will lead to Utopia.

So fast forward to the point where, there you are. You have the job you "should" have, the spouse your parents would approve of, children perhaps, your home is perfect and you have everything in place.

So why the hell do you feel as if there is still something missing? Why do so many people feel a void, a lack of something inside them. Or is already going really wrong? Apparently its called the mid-life crisis!

Is it love that's missing? Possibly, if your partner is not your soul-mate. Is it knowledge, possibly, even the most academic jobs can become boring if you are not getting any personal reward.

Drowning in booze or drugs, a new car, a quick one with the secretary etc is just another blind alley driven by car named fear. Time for a reality check, time to stop listening to your head (your conditioning), and listen to your heart (your soul).

You have reached half way in your life, and you know the second half of your life is the journey back into spirit form. It's time to trust yourself and follow your heart. That is why we begin to question our life and it's purpose and why some have come to see me and people like me.

I am no guru, no preacher, just a person who has lived a life full of incredible ups and downs. My crisis came and I have learnt that the only way to be happy is follow my heart. Resist it and expect more pain.

Your soul is amazing, and it is all knowing. Your head is full of opinions. When something feels right you know it in your heart, you can really feel it. Spirituality is love and knowledge and much more. But that's just my opinion and you must do what feels right for you.

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