Sunday, 13 January 2008

Extreme Pilgrim

Finally, the BBC has decided to treat us like intelligent human beings again! After a plague of rubbish on TV day after day, at last our souls are being challenged.

Extreme Pilgrim presented by Peter Owen Jones is in my opinion (and a few of my friends!) at least, a breath of fresh air. A year and half ago, whilst flicking through the channels one night, I stumbled across Peter presenting Church of England: The Power and the Glory. Then through a series of weird coincidences, I was led to meeting him.

Pete invited me to his beautiful Parish in Sussex, where I spent the day discussing everything from reincarnation to the afterlife and beyond. He is a totally inspiring vicar and although some feel he is a little unconventional, in my opinion the Church of England should be taking on more priests like him.

I understand that less than 10% of this country are church goers these days and sadly most of those who do go, are in the twilight of their life on earth. Perhaps, just checking in before they get to the pearly gates?

My Grandfather, Great Uncle and Uncle were all vicars and my father is deeply Christian, however, my conditioning was balanced with my maternal grandparents being psychic. Having any religion or faith is a wonderful asset, and far richer and more comforting than having no faith at all. I often wonder, if God placed various prophets around the world, Jesus, Buddha, etc to spread the message globally. Then as time passed, the "Word of God" simply altered to develop different beliefs. My faith is taken from various sources that feel right for me, and in essence are extracts from each religion.

If you struggle to believe in God or an afterlife, because you can't "see" it, perhaps you could compare it to love? Do you believe in love? You know it exists and yet you can't prove it. But love has the greatest effect on our emotions and our lives.

If you missed The Extreme Pilgrim you can catch it on line

1 comment:

harpercat said...

Peter is very engaging and this has been a fascinating series. It proved that the answer is often simpler and much closer to home than we might suppose.

People often assume that members of the clergy have all the answers when it comes to spiritual matters and it actually does the Church good for one of their own to be seen struggling with articles of faith and striving for enlightenment. It illustrates that personal faith should never be static - it should evolve as we discover more about the world around us and our place within it. Oh, for more thought provoking programmes like this!