According the New Scientist a sun storm is apparently scheduled to appear in 2012. Yes 2012...the year I have been banging on about....the year the Mayan Calender, the Celts and other ancient cultures have predicted to be the end of the world!
I can't deny coming out in a cold sweat when I read the article. A sun storm would cause a slow process of destroying the majority of our civilization. The first thing to suffer would be electricty and this would plunge, predomenantly the western world into chaos, closely followed all other means of communication, internet, mobile phone etc.
If this storm happens it's predicted to take years for a our world to recover, and although not all of us will die, many many thousands will. The most likely survivors will be those living in the third world, those who have struggled and have been ignored by the big fat greedy westerner for centuries.
How much life would change compared to now? Nothing would be so important anymore, the recession, politics, financial markets, celebrity status, material one will give a flying....think about it!
Is it a coincedence, and I don't believe in coincedences, that a prediction from a team of scientists colides with what we so called crazy out there spiritual believers have been banging on about for ages? How many more warnings do we need before understand what matters?
So, fast forward to our day of judgement. Did we fullfill everything we set out to do? Did we experience real love and happiness? Did we find a soul mate? Did we enjoy the planet we live on and respect it? Did we forgive and ask for forgiveness? Did we live in the now and enjoy the moment? Did we realise we are not the only person on this planet?
This is all we have got folks, and that tsunami is coming, surf the wave of enlightment or drown in your ignorance.
Sun storm or not.....what if.....think about it.....really think about it.