Sunday, 26 October 2008

A message

I would like to make some acknowledgements today.

Thank you to those this weekend who put their lives to one side to help someone very much in need. Thank you for your kind words of support and your understanding and for reassuring my faith in the human race.

For those who sit as judge in council and call yourself friends or similar I hold no grudge, because it is not my job to do so. The universe is the only judge and will decide accordingly and when its ready.

Thank you universe for sending me some amazing teachers this weekend, some just with wise words and others who by their behaviour have shown me that it time to be strong and raise above this lower vibration.

We as humans can not judge others, point the finger and decide the out come. Everything in life happens for a reason and sometimes it can take a life time to realise what that reason is. But we have to trust that the outcome is good. But to step into another's path and decide for them will have grave consequences and karma will take place.

There is only one judge and it is not human, it is SOURCE itself and if you go against it you are going against all things spiritual.