Last Monday, I called an author friend of mine and talked over my frustrations over finding a publisher. "Have you tried cosmic ordering, Lizzie?" Laura asked. I told her that I do my affirmations every day, but she said that I needed to write it down. Apparently, she had asked for a new book contract by Tuesday and she got it!
Fired up, I reached for my lap top and began to write. Dear God and the Universe, thank you for..........! As I composed my list I remembered the golden rules. Everything I asked for should be in the present tense with a time limit on it. All requests should be for the highest good for yourself and those around you. Remember if you drop a pebble in the water it has a ripple effect with everything else around you. Then there is karma to consider, tempting as it is to ask for some things to happen for your benefit, but not others it WILL come back to you three fold.
Once I had finished, I saved it and started my day. What struck me straight away was the energy I felt. Immediately my soul mate Barbara Ford Hammond popped up on Skype and we got straight into plotting and planning. She also gave me a contact who called me that evening and made my year!
Now I am a bit superstitious about sharing things before they have been signed on the dotted line, so I wont share all the details yet. But watch this space if you are interested and hopefully by the end of the month my news will be official!
But I can tell you cosmic ordering works and throughout this week I have had the most extraordinary lovely surprises and feel that I have broken off the chains I had been wearing.
One of the most exciting things is that Barbara and I have decided that we missed our Soul Weekends at Voewood too much and will be finally back there again in October. There are only 19 places so if you are interested please e mail me or follow this link It will be so exciting to be back there and we have some great things planned for the weekend.
On Thursday last week, I taught my class the art of cosmic ordering, we then picked out one particular request that we wanted. Suzie for example, wanted to improve her game of golf. She had never won a tournament and it meant so much to her, others wanted better relationships with people and one wanted news on a house. So, we when met again last night, it was time to find out if it had worked! Some had just had better weeks and felt on the right path to their wishes and wants, all had experienced better relationships with family and friends, Mel had good news on her house and Suzie won the golf cup on Sunday!
I write a letter to the God and Universe every morning now, it's rather like praying or saying a mantra. If nothing else it helps me to focus on what is important in my life and have goals. For me, my gratitude for my children's health and happiness is always first on my list, and although there are some things personal to me and my life, saying thank you for those less fortunate than us helps me to stop and think about what we really need in life.
When it comes down to it, love, health, happiness and peace are all that are really important. Ask anyone who is terminally ill, they will tell you that they appreciate the colour of the leaves on the trees, the rain outside, and the air that they breathe.
But if you feel you need more that's fine, as long as it really makes you happy, but be careful what you wish for!