Saturday, 16 February 2008

Death before life

At dinner last night, I was in the company of people who had lost children. One had lost her child as an adult the other had lost two infants. Another friend suffered a miscarriage.

Losing a child, is a thought none of us want to even go to. A child is a gift and to have that gift taken away, is beyond any other pain. I have seen many clients who have bravely come to see me, having lost a child. Personally, I find it hard to understand how they are even dressed and functioning. A serious reality check for those who moan that they are having a bad day, because life isn't quite working out for them. But I won't get started on that.

Miscarriage, however, is a taboo subject for some still. The grieving mother is met with empty comments like "it is probably for the best" and similar. Perhaps that's true. But when you know there is a life growing inside you, and then it is gone, a mother can feel a failure, asking herself what did I do to harm my unborn child?

Unlike, losing a once living person, there is nothing to show for it. You have nothing, except a hormonal party driving you insane. No grave, no photos, nothing.

Prof Brian Weiss wrote two of my favourite books, Many Lives Many Masters and Only Love is Real. These books changed my life. Weiss, is a past life therapist who re- counts experiences with patients who give him an insight into life on the other side. One patient explained that the soul of an unborn child does not fully connect with the body until birth. The soul travels backwards and forwards from the other side until it is time to begin life in human form. The soul of a foetus, that doesn't make it for one reason or another, is never damaged and will return to one or either parent in the form of another child in this life or the next.

If you know someone who is going through this experience right now, talk to them. Just because nature took it's course doesn't mean that it wasn't real. It is a silent grief.

Friday, 15 February 2008

The Human Race

What's happened to the human race?

The human race it seems, is exactly that - a race for humans. A race to get to some kind of imaginary finishing line. A race, that is the most long and exhausting marathon ever.

Humans seem to always be trying to get somewhere, trying to achieve something. As we run this race we collect things along the way, emotional batons which just weigh us down and the race becomes harder and harder. Unless, of course, someone kind comes along and offers to help carry the load. So, some of the emotions are dumped and then the runner feels lighter, they keep on running. Leaving another poor soul to carry their stuff too.

On top of that, we seem to make the road harder for ourselves too, we take short cuts and then end up in a dead end. So, we have to get back on the road again, but that's not easy because we have picked up more emotional stuff whilst we were down the wrong path.

Some even decide to run the race completely blind-folded, certain in the knowledge that they know the way or they will be guided by someone else. Or worse, we find something to help us along, a crutch.

Then, there are those who want a crowd to watch, approval and a big prize at the end or a pat on the back. To the extent, that they will even trample over others to get there.

Then there are the seekers, they see it more as a treasure hunt than a race. Looking for guidance, searching out for anything that will help them to make the journey more comfortable. Easing the suffering, an aid in jumping the hurdles. But something that won't bring them back down with a huge crash landing. Reading the sign posts.

These people walk not run, and they sometimes even stop and take in the scenery, breathe in the air and enjoy their surroundings. The other runners realise they are not out of breath and don't want to win anything because they already have the prize. It's there all around them any way. They appreciate what they already have, and know there isn't anyone who is going to pat them on the back at the other end, because it doesn't exist - the end that is.

We could all be winners if we realised life isn't a competition - a race. We are all the same and we have everything we need to enjoy our lives.

Stop running! Stop and live in the now, look around you at what you already have. Notice every detail about your environment. Ask yourself what is really important. Ask yourself who really cares for you and realise what you really have.

You can't take money, fame and fortune to your grave and there is no such thing as approval. But you can pass on happiness and love. And your grave is the finishing line I'm afraid. Yes, I believe we come back, but hopefully with some knowledge for the life that we are a soul not a human.

Which one are you?

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

With Valentine's Day looming, I thought today, I would write about soul mates. For those of us, who wont be getting a large bunch of roses, a card, or a sports car with a ribbon round it (I live in eternal hope), tomorrow could be tough.

If you believe as I do that we re-incarnate, in each life we live, there are lessons to learn. Those lessons, can only be learnt through the help of others, and I believe that those who help us, kind or not are our soul mates. They are there because they have been there before, in previous lives and they will crop up again and again, in future lives until we get it!

Some will have an impact on you, so strong that it will take your breath away, either filling your heart with love that you didn't know existed and others will break your heart to the point of physical pain. This can be anyone from your worst enemy to your best friend.

But I can guarantee, that you will learn and grow with all of these people and discover things about yourself that you didn't know existed. I believe we do have within that group of soul mates, at least one who is your twin soul.

Since records began, twin souls or soul mates have been a fascination amongst all civilizations. I love the story of Plato's Symposium, where humans consisted of four arms and legs and a head with two faces on it. The Greek God Zeus was threatened by their power so split them in two and doomed them to spend eternity looking for their "other half".

There is even a scientific thesis on the subject for the more logical thinker! A twin soul is simply a person who makes you feel happiest on the inside and therefore you have no desire to find anyone else.

But, what if you feel you have found your soul mate and the other person doesn't "get it"? I asked the boys upstairs, and they simply told me that if the feeling is so strong, and you have had a series of signs and wierd coincedenses, then the other person is just too human to remember. Sadly, it could be that it's just not meant to be, at least not in this life time. Although, until they connect they will never find peace.

Love is the most incredible energy on this planet, and like spirituality, your God or your faith, you know it exists and yet you can not prove it. You know it's there in your heart, and yet to express it, is so hard.

If there is no Valentine to love tomorrow, love yourself. Tell yourself, that it's your day instead, spoil yourself, be kind to yourself. Remember that someone out there loves you, even if it's not the partner of your dreams, someone loves you.

If you want love, you need to give it. If you have it, you should cherish it, because it is the most valuable precious gift in the world. We all have someone out there, but the law of attraction will not work unless you start by finding love within yourself. Then, and only then will your soul mate find you.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Starting Young

Some people feel children are very psychic and I genuinely believe that when children are talking about past lives, imaginary friends and "hearing and seeing" things in the night, they are.

I lived in a very haunted Old Rectory as a little girl, not that it bothered me. At bed time, I would stuff all my teddies and dolls into bed with me, it was a miracle there was enough space for me! When I was around 5 years old, I remember being woken by the sound of a small bell. As I sat up in bed, still sleepy, I remember the whole of my bedroom being filled with light, a beautiful white warm glow.

As I looked down at the floor, I noticed that all my beloved toys were sitting in a circle in the floor, and apart from me,my bed was empty. For some strange reason, I wasn't frightened, although I did feel I was not supposed to see what was happening.

My 10 year old son, went on holiday to Italy two summers ago, with a school friend. I recently caught up with the mother who had invited him. She is also very spiritual, an amazing person, and she told me about an incident that had happened out there.

It was during the day, and suddenly my son had come rushing through, in a terrible state, she described him as "hysterical". Shaking, he told her that there was a man staring at him in the hall of the villa sitting on a chair.

The mother went to investigate, and although she saw no one there, it was clear that my son was looking at something. "He has told me the time has come" he told her. She took my son's hand and they both went back into the other room, she calmed him down, told him that they were both going to go back and speak to the man and ask him to leave because he was frightening my son.

Gingerly, he took her hand and they both went back into the hall. She called to what appeared to be an empty chair, and she asked the "spirit" to please leave. "He's gone!" my little boy said, and according to my friend, he immediately relaxed.

I am so grateful that my friend had the insight not to treat this flipantly, she had shown total repect to what my son was seeing. To tell a child not to be silly, "there's nothing there", is just conditioning the growing mind. Children are free spirits and if they grow up trusting their own insticts, instead of believing everything everyone else tells them, it will help them to make the bigger decisions later in life. They will learn to follow their heart not their head.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Leaving the words to the expert

Maybe that's the way you live you life but I know... live... your... life...

Life... You see it don't always live that way

A shade of pain and then we die.
A shade of pain and then we die... Oh why...
A shade of pain and then we die.

Maybe that's the way... (L)
Maybe that's the way, but it don't always live that way

Now that I understand the beauty of what they've left to hand me down.
When you need a place to live and no one understands you.
And all you want to do.
Is to cry out loud.
But you don't know how.
No way, no-one,
No-one understands.
The hand that strikes.
When just a touch of love is all the problem needed,
And when you hurt someone so much that still they die loving you.
And all you want to do,
Is to cry out loud.
But you don't know how,

Extract from Deepwater by Seal